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OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021 Notification Out PDF: Apply Online Starts for 586 Revenue Inspector Posts @osssc.gov.in

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission (OSSSC) has released the official notification for the recruitment of Revenue Inspector (RI) for 586 vacancies on its official website i.e. @osssc.gov.in. The online application has been started on 24th June 2021 at the official website www.osssc.gov.in. Candidates can register on or before 23rd July and 30th July 2021 is the last date for the final submission. Before applying for this recruitment, the candidate must check all the important details which are given below in this article:

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021 Notification Out PDF

OSSSC has released 586 posts for the recruitment of Revenue Inspector (RI) under the Revenue and Disaster Management Department of the Government of Odisha. The last date for the payment is 23rd July 2021. Candidates can download notifications PDF for OSSSC Revenue Inspector Recruitment 2021 by clicking given below link:

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Notification PDF – Click Here

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Overview

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Overview
Recruitment OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021
Notification Number IIE-45/2021-619/OSSSC
Post Revenue Inspector
Number of Vacancies 586
Online Application Starts 24th June 2021
Selection Process Written Test and Skill Test
Official Website @osssc.gov.in

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Apply Online Link

OSSSC RI Apply online process has been started from 24th June 2021. Interested candidates must apply online before 23rd July 2021. The last date for the online registration is 23rd July 2021 and 30th July 2021 is the last date to submit the final application. The direct to apply online is given below.

Click Here to Apply Online for OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Important Dates

Odisha Sub-ordinate Staff Selection Commission (OSSSC) has released the official notification on 22nd June 2021 and the online application window is active on 24th June 2021.

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Important Dates
Events Dates
Notification Out 22nd June 2021
OSSSC RI Apply Online 24th June 2021
Payment Ends 23rd July 2021
Final Online Application Submission Ends 30th July 2021
Exam September

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Eligibility Criteria

1. The candidate must be a graduate of a recognized university and have computer application knowledge.

2. The candidate must be able to read, write and speak Odia.

3. Candidate must be between 20 years to 32 years.

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Salary

Salary – Rs. 16,880 per month.

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Selection Process

The selection process will be done on the basis of a Written Test and Skill Test.

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Exam Pattern

OSSSC RI exam consists of 200 questions and 2 hours will be given for each part. There will be a negative marking of 1/4 mark on each wrong answer.

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Exam Pattern
Parts Sections Number of Questions Marks Duration
Part 1 GK 50 100 2 hours
Maths 50 100
Part 2 English 50 100 2 hours
Computer Test 25 50
Odia Language Test 25 50
Overall 200 400 4 hours

There will be a Skill Test of Computer Application of 50 marks for 1 hour.

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Application Fees

Check the application fees before applying online for OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021.

OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021: Application Fees
Category Fees
General/OBC/EWS Rs. 100

FAQs: OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021

Q1. How many vacancies have been released for OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021?
Ans. 586 vacancies have been released for OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021.

Q2. What is the last date for the fess submission of OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021?
Ans. 23rd July 2021 s the last date for the fess submission of OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021.

Q3. What is the application fee for a general category?
Ans. The application fee for the general category is Rs. 100.

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Q1. How many vacancies have been released for OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021?

Ans. 586 vacancies have been released for OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021.

Q2. What is the last date for the fess submission of OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021?

Ans. 23rd July 2021 s the last date for the fess submission of OSSSC RI Recruitment 2021.