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No Restrictions Or Ban On Filling Up Of Government Posts For SSC, Railways, UPSC, Etc: Finance Ministry

The Centre has announced on 5th September 2020 that there will no restriction on filling up of vacant posts or recruitment of government jobs through various agencies like SSC, Railways, UPSC, and many more. A day before, the finance ministry issued an order banning creation of new posts in central ministries, with a view to ease pressure on government resources due to the current fiscal situation. In a new circular today, the ministry said normal recruitment process through various government agencies will continue as usual, adding that Friday’s circular only deals with internal procedure for creation of posts.

No Restrictions Or Ban On Filling Up Of Government Posts For SSC, Railways, UPSC, Etc: Finance Ministry_3.1

“There is no restriction or ban on filling up of posts in Govt of India. Normal recruitments through govt agencies like Staff Selection Commission, UPSC, Railway Recruitment Board, etc will continue as usual without any curbs,” the Finance Minister announced.

In a circular which was issued in September for the Department of Expenditure, that works under the Ministry of Finance, banned certain non-developmental expenses “to make sure that there is availability of enough resources to meet the needs of important priority schemes”.

Must read; How To Tackle The Unemployment Challenge In India?

Guidelines for Other administrative expenditure 

1) There would be no printing or publishing of books. The printing of publications, documents, etc will be done on imported paper, except where printing is done abroad by Indian Missions, etc.

2) The expenditure on functions such as celebrations of Foundation Day, etc. should be minimized and discouraged. In any case, expenses on travel for such functions and providing of bags or mementos etc. should not be done.

3) Consultancy assignments — The Central Government also asked all the ministers & various departments for carrying a review of individual consultant that have been appointed by the government with provisions of General Finance Rules and cross cut the number of consultant to the minimum required.

4) There will be a ban on creating new job posts, except with the approval of department of expenditure, in ministries, attached offices, subordinate offices, statutory bodies and other autonomous bodies.

Students reactions against Exam Delay

The notifications for RRB NTPC 2019 & RRB Group D 2019 and other Railway RRB exams were released in the first week of March 2019. After almost 18 months of the release of notification, and still there is no information on the exam dates for these recruitment exams. There is also a delay in the declaration of SSC CGL 2018 Tier 3 result, which is the main reason for the students to take a stand through online movement against government.

Today, students have started online movement against the delay in the exam of SSC and Railways. Thousands of students are twitting with the #SpeakUpForSSCRailwayStudents & #SSCdeclareCGLresult raising their voice against the long delay in the declaration for the exams. These twitter Hashtags are the voice of crores of students that are impacted with this decision.

SSC Protests in 2018

For the demand of fair conduction of SSC Examination in future and against the conduction of this year’s SSC Tier II Examination have led to a protest at CGO Complex in Delhi which is continuing since 27th of February 2018. Anna Hazare too joined the protest and we Adda247 were also a part of this protest for the brightening futures of our youths.

SSC Protest- Anna Hazare joined the Protest with all the Students

Mumbai Protest in 2018

Earlier also, students in Maharashtra protests in March 2018 for the demand of permanent jobs in Indian Railways and organized a Rail Roko campaign for the same purpose and the agitated students blocked the railways tracks. The reason for this protest was no recruitment in Railways from last 4 years and students are committing suicide as its impact and demanded jobs from the government.

Also read; Why Bank Jobs Reducing Every Year- A Comparative Analysis

No Restrictions Or Ban On Filling Up Of Government Posts For SSC, Railways, UPSC, Etc: Finance Ministry_4.1

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