Directions (1-7): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight friends- Misha, Neeta, Om, Piya, Rita, Siya, Tina and Umang visit different malls viz. Westend, Ansal Plaza, MBD and Flames are sitting around a circular table facing the centre of the table. Each mall is being visited by two people only, but not necessarily in the same order. All these friends have different phones i.e. -Motorola, Samsung Galaxy, HTC, Panasonic, Lava, LG, Oppo and Xiaomi.
No two people visiting the same mall are sitting adjacent to each other except those visiting Ansal Plaza. The person who has Panasonic is sitting on the immediate left of the person who has Xiaomi. Rita neither has Xiaomi nor HTC. Umang has LG and visits MBD Mall and is sitting to the immediate left of Neeta, who visits Ansal Plaza.
Neeta does not have HTC. Siya has Lava and visits Ansal Plaza, who is sitting opposite to Tina. Only Misha, who has Samsung Galaxy, is sitting between Tina, who has Panasonic and the person who has Oppo. Persons who visit Westend mall are sitting opposite to each other. Each of the persons who visits Flames is sitting adjacent to a person who visits Westend Mall. Piya does not have Xiaomi.
Q1. Who has a Motorola phone?
(a) Neeta
(b) Piya
(c) Om
(d) Rita
(e) None of the above
Q2. Which phone is owned by Om?
(a) Xiaomi
(b) HTC
(c) Motorola
(d) Samsung Galaxy
(e) None of the above
Q3. Who among the following visit Westend mall?
(a) Om and Umang
(b) Rita and Misha
(c) Piya and Om
(d) Misha and Siya
(e) None of the above
Q4. Who is sitting opposite to the person who has LG phone?
(a) The person who has Panasonic phone
(b) The person who has Oppo phone
(c) The person who has Samsung Galaxy phone
(d) The person who has HTC phone
(e) None of the above
Q5. Which of the following pair is sitting adjacent to the person who has Lava phone?
(a) Neeta and Umang
(b) Rita and Piya
(c) Piya and Umang
(d) Umang and Om
(e) None of the above
Q6. Who among the following have HTC phone?
(a) Om
(b) Rita
(c) Piya
(d) Misha
(e) Neeta
Q7. Which phone is owned by Tina?
(a) Xiaomi
(b) HTC
(c) Motorola
(d) Panasonic
(e) Samsung Galaxy
Directions (8-15): In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement.
Give answer
(a) If only conclusion I follows
(b) If only conclusion II follows
(c) If either I or II follows
(d) If neither I nor II follows
(e) If both I and II follow
Q8. Statement: This book ‘Z’ is the only book which focuses its attention to the problem of poverty in India between 1950 and 1980.
I. There was no question of poverty before 1950.
II. No other book deals with poverty in India during 1950 to 1980.
Q9. Statement: Parents are prepared to pay any price for an elite education to their children.
I. All parents these days are very well off.
II. Parents have an obsessive passion for a perfect development of their children through good schooling.
Q10. Statement: Although we have rating agencies like Crisil, ICRA, there is a demand to have a separate rating agency for IT companies to protect investors.
I. Assessment of financial worth of IT companies calls for separate set of skills, insight and competencies.
II. Now the investors investing in IT companies will get protection of their investment.
Q11. Statement: America’s defence secretary reiterated that they would continue to supply arms to Pakistan.
I. Pakistan is incapable of manufacturing arms.
II. It would ensure peace in the region.
Q12. Statement: Any young man who makes dowry as a condition for marriage, discredits himself and dishonours womanhood.
I. Those who take dowry in marriage should be condemned by society.
II. Those who do not take dowry in marriage respect womanhood.
Q13. Statement: A Corporate General Manager asked four managers to either submit their resignations by the next day or face termination orders from service. Three of them had submitted their resignation by that evening.
I. The next day, the remaining manager would also resign.
II. The General manager would terminate his services the next day.
Q14. Statement: The serious accident in which a person was run down by a car yesterday had again focused attention on the most unsatisfactory state of roads.
I. The accident that occurred was fatal.
II. Several accidents have so far taken place because of the unsatisfactory state of roads.
Q15. Statement: ‘The Government will review the present policy of the diesel price in view of further spurt in the international oil prices’. A spokesman of the Government.
I. The Government will increase the price of the diesel after the imminent spurt in the international oil prices.
II. The Government will not increase the price of the diesel even after the imminent spurt in the international oil prices.