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NIACL AO Mains Result 2021-22 Out, Check List of Selected Candidates

NIACL AO Mains Result 2021-22 Out: The New India Assurance Company Ltd. (NIACL) has released the NIACL AO Mains Result 2021-22 on the official website of NIACL on 4th January 2022. Candidates who have appeared in the NIACL AO Mains Exam which was conducted on 4th December 2021 can now check their NIACL AO Mains Result. NIACL has published a list of the candidates who are shortlisted for the next phase i.e. Interview.

NIACL AO Mains Result 2021-22 Out

The NIACL has now finally announced the NIACL AO Mains Result 2021-22 which was held on 4th December 2021. Candidates who had appeared in the mains examination can now check their respective results through the official PDF released by the recruitment board on the official website. The link to download the result PDF is provided below in the article.

NIACL AO Mains Result 2021-22 Out, Check List of Selected Candidates |_3.1

NIACL AO Mains Result 2021-22: Important Dates

Candidates can check all the important dates related to NIACL AO Mains Result 2021-22 from the given table.

NIACL AO Mains Result 2021-22: Important Dates
Events Dates
NIACL AO Prelims Exam 16th October 2021
NIACL AO Prelims Result 2nd November 2021
NIACL AO Mains Exam 4th December 2021
NIACL AO Mains Result 4th January 2022

NIACL AO Mains Result 2021-22 PDF

The NIACL has published the NIACL AO Mains Result PDF 2021-22 which contains the roll numbers of all the candidates who had qualified the mains examination and were selected for the Interview round. Candidates do not need to visit the official website to download the result PDF, they can simply check their respective result from the download link of PDF given below. Candidates can find their roll number by pressing Ctrl+F after downloading the result PDF.

NIACL AO Mains Result 2021-22 PDF

How to Check NIACL AO Mains Result 2021-22

Step 1: Visit the official website of the New India Assurance Company Ltd. (NIACL).

Step 2: Now click on the Recruitment tab available on the home page.

Step 3: Here you can see the heading of the ‘Recruitment of Administrative Officers 2021’.

Step 4: Under this heading, you will get the link to check the List of Roll Numbers of Provisionally Shortlisted Candidates for Interview Recruitment exercise for the post of Administrative Officers (Scale-I) Generalists, 2021.

Step 5: Save the NIACL AO Mains Result 2022 for future use.

FAQs: NIACL AO Mains Result 2022

Q1. Is NIACL AO Mains Result 2022 Out?
Ans. Yes, NIACL AO Mains Result 2022 is out on 4th January 2022.

Q2. How can I check NIACL AO Mains Result 2022?
Ans. You can check NIACL AO Mains Result 2022 from the direct link mentioned above.

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