Hello, Greetings of the day!!
Dear Students, As we’ve all seen the drastic change in the pattern of Questions asked in English Section, Gone are the days when we used to predict types and no. of questions asked in the clerk and PO exam..but now every single day Questions are changing. IBPS is surprising all of us by asking CAT Exam pattern Questions.
So now we’ve decided to help and guide all of you to Sail through these unpredictable Bank Exams.
Every day, we’ll provide Quizzes based on the new pattern and some other new type of Questions that also might be asked in the upcoming exams. The best thing you can do is to be well prepared and familiar with all possible type of questions. We’ll also post the tricks and approach to nail unexpected pattern questions.
Every day, we’ll provide Quizzes based on the new pattern and some other new type of Questions that also might be asked in the upcoming exams. The best thing you can do is to be well prepared and familiar with all possible type of questions. We’ll also post the tricks and approach to nail unexpected pattern questions.
(1-15): In each of the following questions, a statement and five choices are
given. Select from among the choices, the most logical complement and mark its
number as your answer.
(1-15): In each of the following questions, a statement and five choices are
given. Select from among the choices, the most logical complement and mark its
number as your answer.
Q1. There
was no other means of coming to power than an alliance with like-minded
was no other means of coming to power than an alliance with like-minded
(a) We will
revamp the party by taking the support of the opposition
revamp the party by taking the support of the opposition
(b) We tried
to please the leaders of other parties.
to please the leaders of other parties.
(c) We
declared that we are going to rise to power.
declared that we are going to rise to power.
(d) We
enlisted the support of the opposition.
enlisted the support of the opposition.
(e) So we
convened an urgent meeting of our workers.
convened an urgent meeting of our workers.
Q2. Facilities
in the village hospital are insufficient and outdated.
in the village hospital are insufficient and outdated.
(a) So we
are going to take the patient back home.
are going to take the patient back home.
(b) We will
take our patient home and complain to the authorities.
take our patient home and complain to the authorities.
(c) We will immediately
take the patient to a better hospital.
take the patient to a better hospital.
(d) We will
wait silently until the hospital gets improved.
wait silently until the hospital gets improved.
(e) We will
demand for a better hospital in the village.
demand for a better hospital in the village.
Q3. The
decision to reopen the old and closed-down liquor shops was resented by the people
in the city.
decision to reopen the old and closed-down liquor shops was resented by the people
in the city.
(a) Some
people took out protest march to the minister’s house.
people took out protest march to the minister’s house.
(b) The
liquor-sellers and contractors supported the government decision.
liquor-sellers and contractors supported the government decision.
(c) The
ruling party secretly convened a meeting of the most important leaders.
ruling party secretly convened a meeting of the most important leaders.
(d) The
government succumbed to public opinion and withdrew the decision to open the
liquor shops.
government succumbed to public opinion and withdrew the decision to open the
liquor shops.
(e) The
liquor barons will not allow the closure of the liquor shops.
liquor barons will not allow the closure of the liquor shops.
Q4. Electric supply failed and the fans in the office stood still.
(a) Children
playing outside did not feel any heat.
playing outside did not feel any heat.
(b) It was a
hot season and there was no wind.
hot season and there was no wind.
(c) The
staff had a lot of work to finish.
staff had a lot of work to finish.
(d) Urgent
arrangement was made to start a stand-by generator.
arrangement was made to start a stand-by generator.
(e) During
the summer season electric supply is very erratic.
the summer season electric supply is very erratic.
Q5. Many
Chief Ministers expressed their opinion in favour of abolishing the governor’s
Chief Ministers expressed their opinion in favour of abolishing the governor’s
(a) The
Central govt. is made up of several parties.
Central govt. is made up of several parties.
(b) The
government’s existence depends upon the Chief Ministers.
government’s existence depends upon the Chief Ministers.
(c) There
may be a decision very soon.
may be a decision very soon.
(d) There
are no governors in some of the states.
are no governors in some of the states.
(e) The
government is thinking of building a new Raj Bhavan.
government is thinking of building a new Raj Bhavan.
Q6. Electricity
is the backbone of industrial development
is the backbone of industrial development
(a) Many of
our new electric projects are lying abandoned.
our new electric projects are lying abandoned.
(b) The
authorities are exploring the possibility of starting non-conventional energy
authorities are exploring the possibility of starting non-conventional energy
(c) Reliable
and uninterrupted power is a prerequisite for development.
and uninterrupted power is a prerequisite for development.
(d) People
demand some urgent measures to improve the situation.
demand some urgent measures to improve the situation.
(e) Hydroelectric
projects are unable to meet the demand.
projects are unable to meet the demand.
Q7. Our
country is rapidly becoming a consumer nation.
country is rapidly becoming a consumer nation.
(a) The
nation must stand on its own legs.
nation must stand on its own legs.
(b) For
financial progress we must reduce import and increase export.
financial progress we must reduce import and increase export.
(c) We want
to become financially strong.
to become financially strong.
(d) We are
not yet Independent because we depend on other countries in certain fields.
not yet Independent because we depend on other countries in certain fields.
(e) India
must become self – sufficient and reduce importing goods.
must become self – sufficient and reduce importing goods.
Q8. Children
find it difficult to get admission to primary schools as demand exceeds supply.
find it difficult to get admission to primary schools as demand exceeds supply.
(a) The
government is against starting new schools.
government is against starting new schools.
(b) Primary
education has been declared compulsory.
education has been declared compulsory.
(c) The
government schools offer better education than the private schools.
government schools offer better education than the private schools.
(d) The
private sector is exerting influence upon the ruling party to recommend the
opening of new schools.
private sector is exerting influence upon the ruling party to recommend the
opening of new schools.
(e) The
private schools make the most of the situation and charge hefty fees.
private schools make the most of the situation and charge hefty fees.
Q9. The
C.B.I. presented an incriminating report about the minister’s foreign
C.B.I. presented an incriminating report about the minister’s foreign
(a) The
Newspapers published a lot of nonsense.
Newspapers published a lot of nonsense.
(b) The
court ordered a judicial enquiry into the whole affair.
court ordered a judicial enquiry into the whole affair.
(c) People
believe all sorts of hearsay without going into their merits.
believe all sorts of hearsay without going into their merits.
(d) The
party-connection emboldens everybody to do whatever he likes.
party-connection emboldens everybody to do whatever he likes.
(e) The C.
B. I need to look into all aspects before arresting a senior politician.
B. I need to look into all aspects before arresting a senior politician.
Q10. The
author’s new book was widely accepted by the common people but it angered those
in power.
author’s new book was widely accepted by the common people but it angered those
in power.
(a) The book
was acclaimed for the political criticism it contained.
was acclaimed for the political criticism it contained.
(b) The
author has employed all his power of observation to prepare the book.
author has employed all his power of observation to prepare the book.
(c) People
in the Gulf countries arranged a number of meetings to welcome him.
in the Gulf countries arranged a number of meetings to welcome him.
(d) To
secure a valid passport the author had to force a lot of political
secure a valid passport the author had to force a lot of political
(e) The
author’s new book is not available in any of the book shops.
author’s new book is not available in any of the book shops.
Q11. Given
the environmentally conscious times we live in; renewable energy has always
been seen as an ideal source of power.
the environmentally conscious times we live in; renewable energy has always
been seen as an ideal source of power.
(a) Indian
consumers have to pay exorbitant amounts towards electricity bills.
consumers have to pay exorbitant amounts towards electricity bills.
(b) Renewable
energy sources are more cost effective compared to conventional sources.
energy sources are more cost effective compared to conventional sources.
(c) As India
basks in sunlight throughout the year, solar energy systems are very feasible.
basks in sunlight throughout the year, solar energy systems are very feasible.
(d) Solar
energy is ideally suited for villages.
energy is ideally suited for villages.
(e) Why
can’t Indian Government harness wind energy?
can’t Indian Government harness wind energy?
Q12. The
Indian System is witnessing the rise of freshly generated wealth which are
legitimate earnings.
Indian System is witnessing the rise of freshly generated wealth which are
legitimate earnings.
(a) The boom
in the software sector contributes to a great extent to the economic prosperity
of the country.
in the software sector contributes to a great extent to the economic prosperity
of the country.
(b) The
software boom is changing the profile of the country in the new millennium.
software boom is changing the profile of the country in the new millennium.
(c) Although
India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the specter of huge
government expenditure looms large.
India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the specter of huge
government expenditure looms large.
(d) The
country’s demographic profile would change with the list of rich households
going up.
country’s demographic profile would change with the list of rich households
going up.
(e) The
country’s economic progress depends only on the literate population.
country’s economic progress depends only on the literate population.
Q13. Medical
experts argue that the effects of iodine deficiency are too debilitating to
leave its consumption to choice.
experts argue that the effects of iodine deficiency are too debilitating to
leave its consumption to choice.
(a) Insufficient
intake of micro nutrients by an expectant mother is the cause of underdeveloped
brain in an unborn baby.
intake of micro nutrients by an expectant mother is the cause of underdeveloped
brain in an unborn baby.
(b) Some
political leaders argue that the consumption of iodized salt is a matter of
personal choice.
political leaders argue that the consumption of iodized salt is a matter of
personal choice.
(c) According
to Medical experts the serious health hazard of iodine deficiency can be overcome
by the consumption of iodized salt.
to Medical experts the serious health hazard of iodine deficiency can be overcome
by the consumption of iodized salt.
(d) Not all
regions of the country are iodine deficient.
regions of the country are iodine deficient.
(e) To be
healthy we need a balanced diet.
healthy we need a balanced diet.
Q14. The
earthquake rendered many people homeless.
earthquake rendered many people homeless.
(a) Builders
of several apartments were penalized by the government.
of several apartments were penalized by the government.
(b) Several
non-governmental organizations came forward to help the quake victims.
non-governmental organizations came forward to help the quake victims.
(c) The
earthquake was so sudden that people were caught unawares.
earthquake was so sudden that people were caught unawares.
(d) The
intensity of the earth quake was so severe that there was large scale
intensity of the earth quake was so severe that there was large scale
(e) The aftershocks
of the earthquake are adding to their problems.
of the earthquake are adding to their problems.
Q15. Government
run schools across the country are introducing English language to children at
an earlier stage than before.
run schools across the country are introducing English language to children at
an earlier stage than before.
(a) English
is an international language and we cannot ignore it.
is an international language and we cannot ignore it.
(b) There
has been a proliferation of English language teaching institutes in urban
has been a proliferation of English language teaching institutes in urban
(c) There
has been a steady increase in the use of English over the years.
has been a steady increase in the use of English over the years.
(d) Indian
elite always hankered after English education for their children.
elite always hankered after English education for their children.
(e) Teaching
English has been made compulsory in all schools by the Department of Education.
English has been made compulsory in all schools by the Department of Education.