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Multiplication Tricks for Speedy Calculation

Learning mathematics table is not that hard, its just a matter of remembering some tricks and practice them to be pro in multiplications. Multiplication is an important aspect to solve questions in bank examinations as it holds questions of simplification and approximation. One can save score good marks and sufficient time to solve tricky and time taking problems like data interpretation if multiplication problems are solved correctly in a minimum of time. In case, you stuck on multiplication, you will not only lose time but marks also. Going back to basic you were supposed to learn the tables either in rhymes form or cramming. However, these tricks can make learning more dynamic and will take you ahead in the competition. 

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You can practice on these tricks and learn tables by your heart in this lockdown period: 

Table sheet for single-digit numbers:

This is the oldest and quite effective trick to learn tables on your fingertips. For many of you, this might be boring or tiring technique but this could be quiet helpful for bigger calculations and problems. Doing repetitive practice of this table could help you to solve multiplication problems within seconds. For example: Have a look at the 9*9 square box depicted below to learn shortcuts for single-digit multiplication. 

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54
7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
8 16 24 32 40 48 54 64 72
9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81


Multiplication of two-digit numbers and one-digit numbers:

Students find it difficult to remember the answer for tables of double-digit and single-digit numbers. For this, you will require the basic table given in the point-1. To explain it in a better way we have to use some examples to understand the shortcut:

Let us try 15 X 8

  1. Multiply one-digit number with 10, i.e. 8 X 10 which equals 80
  2. Now multiple unit digit of the double-digit number by the one-digit number, i.e. 5 X 8 which equals 40. 
  3. Now add the results of point A and B, i.e. 80+40= 120
  4. The answer to 15X8=120
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Multiplication of two-digit with two-digit numbers

Multiplying two-digit numbers could be tricky, for this you should follow the steps below given example:

Let’s try it with 19 X 15

  1. Choose any one number from the two given above, and multiply it by 10, i.e. 19X10=190
  2. Now multiple unit digit of the other number with 10, i.e. 5X10=50
  3. Multiple unit digits of both numbers, i.e. 9X5=45
  4. Sum values of all three points A, B, and C= 190+50+45=285
  5. The answer to 19X15=285

Base Method Near 100

a) When both number Greater than 100

Eg1. 110*115

Step 1- multiplication of 15*10=150

Step 2- cross addition – 110+15 or 115+10= 125

Step 3- base is 100 multiplying the step 2 by 100= 12500

step 4- add step 1 and step 3= 12500+150= 12650

b) When both number less than 100

Eg2. 93*98

Step1-Multiplication of (-2*-7)= +14

Step2 -Now add (-2) to 93 or (-7) to 98= 91

Step3- step 2*100= 9100{as Base is 100}

Step4- 9100+14= 9114

c) When one number greater than 100 and other is less than 100

Eg3. 95*105

Step1-Multiplication of (-5*5)= -025

Step2 -Now add (5) to 95 or (-5) to 105= 100

Step3- step 2*100= { Base is 100}

Step4- 10000-25=9975

You can try with other examples to make yourself frequent and quick in these tricks. Quarantine is a golden chance for you to give more time to make your multiplication more accurate. 

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