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Most Important Topics Of Reasoning For IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2020

Most Important Topics of Reasoning that you must practice for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2020-  Reasoning is one of the most important topic and there are certain topics that carry more weightage than others and are hence important from exam point of view. In this space, we will be discussing about all those important topics which can help you to score a good score in this section and also will help you to crack the IBPS Clerk Prelims examination. Let’s take a look at the “Most Important Topics of Reasoning that you must practice for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2020”

Most Important Topics Of Reasoning That You Must Practice For IBPS Clerk Prelims 2020

Given below is the list of “Most Important Topics of Reasoning that you must practice for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2020”

Topics Marks
Inequality 5
Blood Relation 5
Direction Sense 5
Miscellaneous 5-8
Syllogism 5
Coding-Decoding 5
Alpha-Numeric Series 5
Puzzles & Seating Arrangement 15

The scoring and easy part in this section is Blood relations, direction-sense, syllogism, alpha-numeric series, etc. so, try to begin with these topics. They are easy and less time consuming. But one has to remember that these topics are to be covered within in a limited period of time, so don’t waste too much time on these topics just because they are easy. Try to allot a fixed time for these questions, for example, for every question fix a time limit of say 20 seconds or 25 seconds and as soon as it crosses the time move on to the next question. And not only these topics, this type of time management or time allotment should be done for every section. Time management along with accuracy is the key to crack any exam.

Then move on to Puzzles and Seating arrangements topic.  Make sure you practice enough Puzzles and Seating arrangements questions so that your speed and accuracy is on point. There aren’t as such any tricks for puzzles and seating arrangements topics. The only way to master puzzles and seating arrangements is through practice. Try to solve as many sets or questions as possible and also of every type. Seating arrangement and puzzles are of different types like, circular arrangement, building and floors, square, rectangle, circular, triangular, horizontal-vertical lines, etc. Try to practice every type and give as many individual and full-length mocks as possible. Also, in puzzle section also, try not to focus too much on any particular question, if it is taking too much time or you are not able to solve it then leave it and move on to the next question and try to attempt that particular question in the end if there is still some time left.

Prelims is easier as compared to mains exam and here the one who is fast and accurate will definitely be successful. Try to give as many sectionals as well as full length mocks as possible.  The topics are easy and limited so they can be easily covered and during the final week make it a point to give at least 4-5 mocks daily apart from sectional tests. Time management is another factor here, try to speed up on the topics you are good at and improve remaining topics.

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