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Most Expected topics for ESIC UDC 2022 Phase 1 Exam

Employees State Insurance Corporation has released the admit card for the post of ESIC UDC 2022 on 9th March 2022. Candidates who are going to appear in the ESIC UDC exam on 19th March 2022 must go through the most expected topics which are given below in this article. There are some topics that are the examiner’s favorite and are repeatedly asked in the ESIC exam therefore candidates must not miss these topics. These topics will help the candidates to ace this exam.

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Most Expected topics for ESIC UDC 2022

Lakh of candidates have applied for the ESIC UDC 2022 and therefore to crack the exam in this stiff competition, you need to practice from the most expected topics. ESIC UDC exam will be conducted in three phases i.e. prelims, mains, and Skill test. In the prelims exam there are four sections mainly General intelligence and reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language.  There will be 25 questions from each section with a time duration of 60 minutes. Candidates can check the most expected topics which are given below

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Most Expected topics for ESIC UDC 2022 Phase 1 Exam |_3.1

Most Expected Topics For ESIC UDC 2022

General Intelligence And Reasoning

  • Blood Relation– It is one of the easy topics with a weightage of 2-3 questions in the exam. Here generally a relationship is asked between two persons. To fetch good marks from this topic, candidates should have basic knowledge of the family tree.
  • Puzzle and Seating Arrangement- It is one of the examiner’s favorite topics and generally 2 to 3 puzzles are asked in the examination. Each set of the puzzle have 5 questions. To score good marks, candidates should practice all kinds of puzzles and seating arrangement
  • Coding-Decoding-  This topic carries a weightage of 4-5 questions.
  • Syllogism– It is one of the most scoring topics for ESIC UDC 2022, this topic carries a weightage of about 5 questions in the examination. From this topic, you will find 3 to 4 statements with conclusions and then you have to choose the right answer.
  • Inequalities– It is one of the easiest and scoring topics for ESIC UDC 2022, generally it carries a weightage of 5 questions.

English Language

  • Reading Comprehension- It is the most important topic of this section and has the weightage of about 10 questions. To score good marks in this topic, candidates should have good vocabulary and reading skills
  • Error detection– This topic carries the weightage of about 5 questions, many candidates find this topic tough therefore you should practice more questions of it. Candidates should learn all the important rules of grammar.
  • Para jumbles– Generally 4 to 5 questions are asked from this topic
  • Correct Usage of Words– To ace, this topic candidates should have a good vocabulary. This topic carries the weightage of about 4-5 questions.
  • Cloze test– This topic is mostly seen in the ESIC UDC exam, a set of 5 questions are asked from this topic.

General Awareness

  • Current affairs– This is the soul of this section as it will play a very crucial role in your selection. Generally, 7 to 8 questions can be asked from current affairs, therefore the candidate should read at least 3 months of current affairs.
  • Books and authors- 2 to 3 questions can be asked from this topic
  • National Parks, dams and Wildlife Sanctuary- This topic is of static Gk and candidates can see 1 to 2 questions from this topic in ESIC UDC 2022
  • Capital and Currency of Countries- Candidates can expect 1 to 2 questions from this topic. Candidates should read the capital and currency of those countries which were recently in the news
  • Schemes Agreements and MOUs
  • Appointments and Obituaries

Quantitative Aptitude

  • Data interpretation- DI carries the weightage of 10 questions, mostly 2 DI sets are asked in the examination with each set having 4 to 5 questions
  • Quadratic equation- This is one of the easy topics which is commonly asked in the prelims examination. 4 to 5 questions can be asked from this topic
  • Simplification And Approximation- If a candidate has a good calculation speed, then it is very easy for them to solve the simplification and approximation questions in the examination with good accuracy.
  • Number Series- A total number of 4 to 5 questions are asked from the number series topics. There will be 2 types of questions asked from this topic which are missing series and wrong series. Candidates are advised to practice both types of series well to solve the question in minimum time.

Preparation Tips For ESIC UDC 2022

  • As only a few days are left for ESIC UDC 2022 exam, therefore candidates are advised to download the ESIC UDC previous year paper free of cost from the link provided above and start practicing from it.
  • Candidates should give full-length mock tests and sectional tests to increase their speed and improve time management. Candidates can practice the ESIC UDC quiz from the Adda247 app and to score better in the exam, can purchase test series from the Adda247 store

FAQs: Most Expected Topics For ESIC UDC

Q. How many months current affairs should be prepared for ESIC UDC exam?
Ans. At least 6 months current affairs should be prepared for ESIC UDC exam.

Q. Where can I practice these most expected topics of ESIC UDC 2022 exam?
Ans. You can practice these topics on Adda247 app and from the mocks test available on adda247 store.

Most Expected topics for ESIC UDC 2022 Phase 1 Exam |_4.1

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