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Most Expected Topic For RBI Assistant 2022 Prelims Exam

Most Expected Topic For RBI Assistant 2022: RBI Assistant Prelims exam 2022 is going to take place on 26th and 27th March 2022. Only a few days are left for the RBI Assistant prelims exam. Aspirants who are appearing for RBI Assistant Prelims must have a thorough understanding of the most expected topics for the RBI Assistant exam to prepare smartly. Knowing expected topics for the exam can give you a fair idea as to how much you should prepare for any exam. In this article, We will take a quick look at all the most expected topics for the upcoming RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2022.

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Most Expected Topic For RBI Assistant 2022

Reserve Bank Of India is conducting the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2022 on 26th & 27 March 2022. Lakhs of candidates appear for the RBI Assistant Prelims exam every year and to get selected for the next phase of selection, candidates must prepare well for the examination. It is very important for all the candidates to look at some important and expected topics of the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam And ensure that these topics are covered thoroughly. In this article, we will be looking at the section-wise important topics of the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2022.

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Most Expected Topic For RBI Assistant 2022: English

The English section demands basic knowledge of grammar. The number of questions from reading comprehension is increasing and also there is a need to keep eagle eyes on the questions from error spotting. It is necessary for an aspirant to go through the section-wise mock. Also, read the basic rules of grammar and solve questions.

English Syllabus
Topics Expected Number of Questions
Reading Comprehension 6-7
Cloze Test 5-6
Fill in the blanks 3-4
Multiple meaning/error solving 0-4
Paragraph/Sentence Correction 3-5
Para Jumbles 4-5
Jumbled Sentences 2-3
Word Association/Vocabulary 4-5
Active/Passive Voice 1-3


Reading Comprehensions

For prelims, the entire passage will hardly take 5-8 minutes. Only attempt reading comprehension first if you are really good at it Topics from areas like: Politics, Environment, Ecology, Science & Technology are asked. Give mock test and understand which area of topics you are good in or which area require more practice.

Match the Following

These type of questions asked in this topic areIdiom and phrases type questions, connect the sentences with no grammatical error type etc and they are usually ask in RBI Assistant Prelims exam.

Para Jumbles

Given below are some tips & tricks to solve Para Jumbles  questions for RBI Assistant prelims 2022. Practice simple para jumble questions. Attempt them first if you know the trick. You can come across to question in this topic where you have to first arrange the statement itself and then rearrange the statements in correct order.

Error detection

In prelims or mains this topic entirely focus on  grammatical rules. Practice is the key to ace this section. The only difference that you will see in both the stages will the length of question. While in prelims the questions are single line. In mains error detection can be in passage format as well. Key is to grasp the commonly asked formulas and work on them.

Most Expected Topic For RBI Assistant 2022: Quantitative Aptitude

If you are going to appear for RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2022, You must be knowing that how much weightage does Quantitative aptitude carry in this exam, and here we will share with you some most important and must-do topics of the Quantitative Aptitude Section for RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2022.

Topics Expected Number of Questions
Simplification & Approximation 10-15
Ratio & Proportion, Percentage 2-3
Profit & Loss 1
Mixtures & Allegations 1
Simple Interest & Compound Interest 1-2
Work & Time 1
Time & Distance 2
Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere 0-1
Permutation, Combination & Probability 1-2
Data Interpretation 13-15
Sequence & Series & Quadratic Equations 5

Simplification/ Approximation

In RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2022 around 10 to 15 questions will be asked from simplification and approximation. We advise the candidates to practice this topic as it can fetch them good marks with accuracy.

Quadratic Equations

Factorization is a type of question that is mostly asked In the quadratic equation section in the RBI Assistant prelims exam. candidates can expect 3 to 4 questions on this topic.

Data Interpretation

Candidates can expect 2 to 3 sets of questions from this section. Around 13 to 15 questions will be asked. The data interpretation section will consist of questions like tabular DI, Caselet, Missing, and Mixed DI.

Number Series

This section includes a variety of questions like arithmetic-based, squares/cubes-based series, etc. Candidates can expect 4 to 5 questions from the number series. We advise the candidates to prepare for this section thoroughly.

Miscellaneous (Word Problem)

There is no doubt that around 8 to 10 questions will be asked from miscellaneous. This will include topics like Time, work and wages, Mixture and allegation, boats and streams, simple interest, compound interest, etc. Candidates must prepare this topic thoroughly to ensure scoring maximum marks in the quadratic equation section.

Most Expected Topic For RBI Assistant 2022: Reasoning Ability

This section will consist the same topics for prelims as well as for mains except the fact that the difficulty level will differ majorly in both the stages. While prelims is all about maintaining speed with accuracy, Mains is more about applying concept. The strategy to ace this section is to practice for both the stages simultaneously.

Topics Expected Number of Questions
Inequality 4-5
Blood Relation 2-3
Direction Sense 2-3
Miscellaneous 5-6
Syllogism 3-5
Coding-Decoding 4-5
Alpha-Numeric Series 5
Puzzles & Seating Arrangement 15

Puzzle & Seating Arrangement

candidates can expect 15 sets of questions from puzzles and seating arrangements. Flat–floor-based puzzles, Linear seating arrangement, Circular seating arrangement, etc. are some types of questions that can be asked.

Data Sufficiency

This topic involves everything from the reasoning ability section. Candidates have to be familiar with each type of question from blood relations to syllogism. candidates can expect 5questions from data sufficiency.

Inequality– This is one such topic which can easily give you those extra five marks. Students are  expected to choose the correct option depicting the correct relation between the two alphabets given in the question. This relation could be greater than, smaller than, greater than equal to, smaller than equal to and equal to.

Blood-Relation and Direction Sense

 some tips & tricks to solve Blood relation and Direction Sense questions for RBI Assistant 2022prelims. Practice the basic questions on both the topics for prelims. In blood-relation, practice the picture questions more and family tree type questions. For Direction sense, practice the moderate level basic questions. For mains, the level of questions increase in these topic because you will see them merge with puzzles or seating arrangement.

New Pattern Questions

For both the stages in RBI Assistant prelims and mains new pattern are generally doable questions and it is advised that after attempting all those question which you have practiced well, make sure to attempt them as well.


FAQs: Most Expected Topic For RBI Assistant 2022

Q1.When is RBI conducting the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2022?

Ans. RBI is conducting the RBI Prelims Exam 2022 on 26th and 27th March 2022.

Q2. What are some important topics from the English language section of RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2022?

Ans. Reading comprehension, para jumbles, errors spotting, cloze test, are some important topics of the English language section. Candidates can check the detailed list of important topics in this article.


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Q1.When is RBI conducting the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2022?

Ans. RBI is conducting the RBI Prelims Exam 2022 on 26th and 27th March 2022.

Q2. What are some important topics from the English language section of RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2022?

Ans. Reading comprehension, para jumbles, errors spotting, cloze test, are some important topics of the English language section. Candidates can check the detailed list of important topics in this article.