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Misspelt Questions for Bank Exams

Preparing for bank exams requires an approach covering various topics such as reasoning, quantitative aptitude, and general awareness. One often overlooked but essential aspect is mastering English language skills, especially in areas like spotting errors and correcting misspellings. In bank exams, being proficient in identifying Misspelt Words can make a significant difference. This section, commonly featured in the English language portion of the exam, tests a candidate’s attention to detail and vocabulary.

Misspelt Questions for Bank Exams

Misspelt questions for Bank Exams have common occurrences in bank examinations, designed to test your attention to detail and your ability to identify errors. These questions can be tricky, as the misspelling might be subtle or even hidden within a larger sentence or paragraph. They assess your ability to spot errors and maintain accuracy in your work. These questions can easily be tackled by checking for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors and applying your understanding of English grammar and vocabulary to identify mistakes. The more you practice, the better you’ll become at spotting misspellings.

Direction (1-5): In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given. These are numbered (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of these words printed in bold might either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. The number of the word is your answer. If the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the context of the sentence then mark (E), i.e. ‘All Correct’, as your answer.

1) China has lodged starn representations to the United States, (A)/ Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a daily news conference, (B)/ demanding the US respect facts (C)/ and correctly view China’s religious policies (D)/





E.All correct

2) Chinese people of all ethnic groups enjoy full freedom of (A)/ religious belief in acordance with the law, (B)/ Geng said, adding that the Chinese government also protects its citizens’ freedom (C)/ of religious belief and related rights according to law (D)/





E.All correct

3) This is the second call between the two sides since (A)/ the G20 Summit concluded in Japan in late June, (B)/ during which time both China and the US agreed to restart economic (C)/ and trade consultations based on equality and mutual respect (D)/





E.All correct

4) It must be considered that the zone is extremely difficult to access (A)/ and that it is an area of great richness of marine mammals, like whales and dolphins, (B)/ which could see themselves seriously affected in their habbitat given that (C)/ when coming to the surface to breathe they could meet this layer of oil (D)





E.All correct

5) The terror group says its aim is to impose a stricter enforcement (A)/of Sharia law across Africa’s most populist nation, (B)/which is split between a majority Muslim north (C)/and a mostly Christian south(D)/





E.All correctMisspelt Questions for Bank Exams_3.1

Direction (6-10): In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given. These are numbered (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of these words printed in bold might either be wrongly spelt or is inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. The number of the word is your answer. If the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the context of the sentence then mark (E), i.e. ‘All Correct’, as your answer.

6) The legislation shows that (A)/ the government is eager to impose a certein morality on others (B)/ as the Bill excludes gay couples, single men and women, (C)/ and unmarried couples who want a child(D)/





E.All correct

7) He has promiced to make the local letters section (A)/ an interactive one: readers will raise issues (B)/ and the newspaper will seek responses to these issues (C)/ from the authorities concerned (D)/





E.All correct

8) One reader said that the official responses (A)/ could become formulaic and wanted the newspaper (B)/ to examine both the complaints and the responses, (C)/ so that there is a system of acountability (D)/





E.All correct

9) There are a few choices ranging from a do-it-yourself (DIY) (A)/ option to approaching a tax return preparer or an online intermediary, (B)/ depending on how knowledgeable you are in taxation (C)/ and financial matters and what kind of services you look for (D)/





E.All correct

10) Brand-named variously as Householders’ Comprehensive policy from the public sector general insurers or Home Secure, (A)/ My Home cover and Griha Suvidha by various general insurers, it is usually a package policy (B)/ that goes beyond insuring your home and its contents (C)/ thus offering ease of coverage and better premium rates (D)/





E.All correct

Direction (Q 11- 20): In each of these questions, a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are numbered as A, B, C and D. One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelled or inappropriate in context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelled or inappropriate if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelled and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (E) “All correct” as your answer.

11) What makes the 2019 election unprecedented is not that inappropriate words were used and misinformation spread, but the fact that India witnesses an increasing tendency to normalise these.

A. Unprecedented

B. Inappropriate

C. Spread

D. Witnesses

E. All are correct

12) On the one hand, inform discussions have become difficult, and on the other, social tensions have risen.

A. On

B. inform

C. become

D. risen

E. All are correct

13) With stronger headwind ahead in the form of an escalating trade war between the U.S.and China, and the imbroglio in the Middle East, the outlook for export demand is far from reassuring.

A. headwind

B. escalating

C. imbroglio

D. reassuring

E. All are correct

14) Australia, among the world’s largest wheat exporters, has been forced to take recours to bulk imports of the grain, consequent to severe droughts in its eastern states over two years.

A. Among

B. Forced

C. Recours

D. Consequent

E. All are correct

15) As with several industrialised democracies, voter disillusionment with the principal parties is yielding a fragmented polity.

A. Several

B. Disillusionment

C. Yielding

D. Fragmented

E. All are correct

16) The greatest achievement of modern medecines has been to save us from premature death and allow us to enjoy the full measure of our years.

A. Achievement

B. Medecines

C. Premature

D. Measure

E. All are correct

17) The panel decided to investigate the fraud charges against the company, which has always been reticent about its internal operations.

A. Investigate

B. Fraud

C. Reticent

D. Operations

E. All are correct.

18) Educating girls have proven to be one of the world’s best-ever ideas.

A. Educating

B. Have

C. Proven

D. Ideas

E. All are correct

19) The researchers had collected all the Ebola data since the start of the epidemic and used it to calculete the expected number of new cases.

A. Researchers

B. Epidemic

C. Calculete

D. Expected

E. All are correct

20) Climate change is way too important a global risk to be ignore or denied, and the vast majority of the world knows that.

A. Climate

B. Important

C. Ignore

D. Majority

E. All are correct

Answers :

1) Answer: A

2) Answer: B

3) Answer: E

4) Answer: C

5) Answer: B

6) Answer: B

7) Answer: A

8) Answer: D

9) Answer: E

10) Answer: A

11) Answer: D

12) Answer: B

13) Answer: A

14) Answer: C

15) Answer: E

16) Answer: B

17) Answer: E

18) Answer: B

19) Answer: C

20) Answer: C

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How can I improve my spelling skills to prepare for bank exams?

Read widely, practice spelling exercises, and use spelling resources like dictionaries and online tools. The more you expose yourself to correct spelling, the better your chances of avoiding errors.

What should I do if I'm unsure about the spelling of a word in a question?

If you're unsure, try to eliminate options that you know are incorrect. Use context clues and your knowledge of spelling patterns to make an educated guess. If time permits, you can also consult a dictionary or online resource.

How to handle the Misspelt Questions in Bank Exams?

The Misspelt Questions in Bank Exams can be tackled by building up the vocabulary and increasing the familiarity with maximum words.

How much ideal time on must devote to solve the questions that are from misspelt topic of bank exam?

The ideal time one must devote to solve the questions that are from misspelt topic of bank exam is 15-20 seconds.

How many questions one can expect from misspelt topic in any bank exam ?

One Can Expect 3-5 questions from misspelt topic in the bank exam.