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Major outage affects a number of high profile websites including Amazon, Reddit, and Twitch: Current Affairs Special Series

Team Adda247 and BankersAdda are here with a Current Affairs Special Series. In this series, candidates will be introduced to current affairs topics daily, which will not only improve their general awareness but also will ensure that the candidates do not lack in any current affairs topic. Today’s Current Affairs topic is Major outage affects a number of high profile websites including Amazon, Reddit, and Twitch.

Major outage affects a number of high profile websites including Amazon, Reddit, and Twitch

A major outage has affected a number of high-profile websites including Amazon, Reddit, and Twitch. The UK government websites – gov.uk- were also down according to the Financial times, the Guardian and The New York Times. Cloud Computing provider Fastly, which braces a lot of websites, said it was behind the problems. 

The firm said that they were found issues with its global content delivery network (CDN) and was implementing a fix. Fastly said, they identified a service configuration that initiated disruption across their points of presence, POPs globally, and have disabled that configuration. A POP allows content to be sent from globally disturbed servers that are close to the end-use. This global issue began at around 11 am British Summer Time and lasted for an hour. Other affected websites including CNN and streaming sites Twitch and Hulu. The outage also broke some parts of other services, including Twitter’s emojis.

After around an hour of downtime, websites were also beginning to be restored. It appears the problems were around localized and specific locations across Europe and the US were affected. Other websites knocked offline included PayPal, Shopify, BBC.com, HBO Max and Vimeo. Similar problems have been detected in Amazon Web services and Cloudflare in the past, two other huge cloud computing firms. 

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