Directions (1-5): A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: 53 distance 93 between 76 26 on now 86 an twelve 39
Step I: 27 twelve 53 distance 93 between 76 on now 86 an 39
Step II: 27 twelve 53 distance 93 between 76 now 86 an on 38
Step III: 52 now 27 twelve distance 93 between 76 86 an on 38
Step IV: 52 now 27 twelve 93 between 86 an on 38 distance 77
Step V: 87 between 52 now 27 twelve 93 an on 38 distance 77
Step VI: 87 between 52 now 27 twelve on 38 distance 77 an 92
Input- 999 jinny 992 jenny 9994 9997 jennifer jeus 993 jennon 996 jees
Q1. In which of the following step ‘9994 9997 jennifer jennon’ are found in the same order?
(a) Step-I
(b) Step-IV
(c) Step-II and Step-III
(d) Step V
(e) None of these
Q2. How many elements are there between ‘jennifer’ and ‘998’ in step-IV?
(a) Six
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) None of these
Q3. Which of the following elements are there between 993 and 9994 in step-II?
(a) jenny 995 jennifer
(b) jinny 999 jenny
(c) jinny 999 9994
(d) jenny jinny 999
(e) None of these
Q4. Which word/ number would be at the fourth position from the left end in the last step of the machine output ?
(a) 997
(b) jennifer
(c) 998
(d) jeus
(e) jenny
Q5. What is the difference between the third number from the left end in step II and the fourth number from the left end in the step V ?
(a) 1
(b) 8998
(c) 9002
(d) 9004
(e) None of these
Directions (6-10): A word arrangement machine when given an input line of words rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input : are doc zone alpha grape elegant ice brave
Step I : alpha are doc grape elegant ice brave zone
Step II : are alpha doc elegant ice brave zone grape
Step III: elegant are alpha ice brave zone grape doc
Step IV: ice elegant are alpha zone grape doc brave
Input- each read only every one study reason person people apple
Q6. In which of the following step ‘one every each apple only’ are found in the same order?
(a) Step-III
(b) Step-IV
(c) Step-V
(d) Step II
(e) None of these
Q7. How many elements are there between ‘each’ and ‘reason’ in step-III?
(a) Five
(b) Seven
(c) Six
(d) Four
(e) None of these
Q8. How many steps would be needed to perform the output ?
(a) Seven
(b) Six
(c) Four
(e) None of these
Q9. Which word would be at the seventh position from the right end in the fourth step of the machine output ?
(a) Each
(b) Only
(c) Every
(d) Apple
(e) None of these
Q10. Which of the following represents the position of ‘only’ in the step II ?
(a) Fourth from the right end
(b) Fourth from the left end
(c) Third from the left end
(d) Fifth from the right end
(e) None of these
Directions (11-15): A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: 48 19 glow 71 58 rice 16 cat 31 brick
Step I: 16 48 19 glow 58 rice cat 31 brick 71
Step II: 16 19 48 glow rice cat 31 brick 71 58
Step III: 16 19 31 glow rice cat brick 71 58 48
Step IV: 16 19 31 brick glow rice cat 71 58 48
Step V: 16 19 31 brick cat glow rice 71 58 48
Step V is the last step of the arrangement.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.
First of all we arrange the numbers. The smallest number arrange from the left and the biggest number is arrange from the right end.
The second smallest number is arrange to the right of smallest number and second biggest number is arrange to the right of biggest number. This process continues until all the number will be arranged.
After arranging the numbers we arrange the words. Words are replaced according to the alphabetical order.
Input: 81 41 rooffs 22 roots 32 45 robed roolls 26 robes
Q11. Which word/number would be at the fifth position from right end in step IV?
(a) 41
(b) robes
(c) roolls
(d) 32
(e) None of these
Q12. Which of the following would be step III?
(a) 22 26 32 robed rooffs roots roolls robes 81 45 41
(b) 22 26 41 robed rooffs roots roolls robes 81 45 32
(c) 22 26 41 rooffs roots 32 robed roolls robes 81 45
(d) 22 26 32 rooffs roots robed roolls robes 81 45 41
(e) None of these
Q13. Which step number should be the following output?
“22 26 32 robed robes rooffs roots roolls 81 45 41”
(a) Step III
(b) Step IV
(c) Step II
(d) Step VI
(e) None of these
Q14. Which word/number would be at the 6th position from left end in step III?
(a) roolls
(b) 81
(c) robes
(d) robed
(e) 41
Q15. How many steps are required to get the final output?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 5