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List of Important Days in March

List of Important Days can help you to score in the General Awareness Section of upcoming Exam. This knowledge is not just essential for banking or SSC aspirants but if you are preparing for any competitive exam, or you wish to keep your General Knowledge Updated, you should know important days in the month of March.

March is the month of colors as the festival of holi is celebrated in this month across the nation. This month also embarks the beginning of summer season. Also, a number of days in March holds a significant importance from our exam point of view because based on the latest exam pattern followed by the banks, We  come across to many questions asked about important Days and dates. In this article, we will be looking at some of the important days which come in the month of march and are important from upcoming banks exams point of view. Make sure you go through them all.

Dates Day Started By Reason Important Event theme
3rd March   “World Wildlife Day” UN General Assembly passed the resolution after signing of CITES ( Convention on international Trade And endangered Species) To raise Awareness about wild flora and fauna and make sure international trade doesn’t threaten the survival of species Theme 2020 ” Sustaining all life or Earth”
4th March “World Hearing Day” World Health  Oraganization Encourage people to practise safe listening besides regularly checking  their hearing Theme 2020 : ” Hearing for life. Don’t let hearing loss limit you”
8th March International’s Women Day National’s Woman’s Day To create awareness about the Gender equality Theme 2020: I am Generation Equality”
10th March National Vaccination/ Immunization Day Ministry of Health and family welfare To expand the access to immunization Theme 2020: “Vaccines Work for All
15th March World Consumer Rights Day Consumer International Right to redress consumer protection bill, 2018 aims to promote and enforce consusmer rights Theme 2020: The sustainable Consumer
12th March International Day Of Elimination Of Racial Discrimination United Nations To eliminate all forms of racial discrimination and pass laws against racist practices. Theme 2020: Mitigating and countering rising nationalist populism and extreme supermacist ideologies
20th March International Day Of Happiness United Nation Equinox day Theme 2020: Happier together
22nd March World Waters Day United Nations To increase awareness about WASH ( Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene strategies) Theme 2020: “Water and Climate Change”
24th March World Tuberculosis ( TB) Day World Health Organization To raise awareness about this infectious disease Theme 2020: It’s time…”

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