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List of English Synonyms And Antonyms With Examples

Synonyms and Antonyms fall under the vocabulary section of English Language. This is an important topic and can easily fetch you good marks because 2-3 questions are definitely asked in all the major competitive exams. Not only in banking but in other exams as well, you can expect 2-3 question on this topic. In this article, we will be providing you some important words and their respective synonyms and antonyms. Before diving in the words, let’s understand the what is the meaning of Antonym and Synonyms?

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What is Antonym?

Antonym simply refers to the opposite of a word. For e.g Good is the antonym of Bad. Similarly, Day is the opposite of Night. The word antonym is orginiated from the greek language from the word anti means opposite, while onym means name. Opposite name – that makes sense and hence the word that we use today Antonym come into existence.

What is Synonym?

Synonym refers to the words having similar meaning to a word. For e.g Excited is similar to Eager and hence excited is the synonym of eager. The synonyms words are exactly or nearly similar to the given word.

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List Of Synonym and Antonyms

Given below is the list of synonym and antonyms along with their respective meanings.

Word Meaning Synonym Antonym
ADJUDICATION A formal judgment on a disputed matter. Arbitration, Decision, Assessment, Verdict Incomprehension, Indecision, Enigma, Amnesty
AGHAST Suddenly filled with strong feelings of shock and worry Anxious, Dismayed Unsurprised, Calm
ALIENATED experiencing or inducing feelings of isolation or estrangement. Disaffect, Disgruntle Endear, Ingratiate
AMNESTY A decision by a government to forgive people who have committed particular illegal acts or
crimes, and not to punish them
Forgiveness, Absolution Conviction, Sentence
ARDUOUS Demanding great effort or labor; difficult Exhausting, Grueling Facile, Easy
ARRAIGN To call (a defendant) before a court to answer to an indictment Appeal, book, Cite, summon, Accuse, Charge, Criminate Advocate, Champion, defend, Excuse, forgive, Justify
ATTRITION The process of reducing something’s strength or effectiveness through sustained attack or
Erosion, Abrasion, Attenuation Strengthening
Banter The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks. Wisecracks, Crosstalk, Wordplay, Ribbing. Flattery, Praise, work
BEWAIL Express great regret, sadness, or disappointment about (something). bemoan, deplore, lament, mourn. Cheer, Laugh, Smile, Rejoice
BLATANT Done openly and unashamedly. Flagrant Inconspicuous, Subtle
BOLSTER Support or Strengthen. Strengthen, Support, Reinforce, Boost Undermine
BRAZEN Obvious, Without any attempt to be hidden Blatant, Bold Humble, Meek
BUCOLIC Relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life. Rustic, Rural, Pastoral, Country Urban
CAJOLE To persuade someone to do something they might not want to
do, by pleasant talk and (sometimes false) promises
Deceive, Influence Repulse, Dissuade
CONDIGN (of punishment or retribution) appropriate to the crime or wrongdoing; fitting and deserved. Earned, Merited, Warranted, Justifiable. Unjust, undue, Unsuitable, unfair
CONTRIBUTE feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong. remorseful, repentant, penitent, regretful unrepentant, defiant
CONTRITE feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong remorseful, repentant, penitent, regretful unrepentant, defiant
CONNIVANCE Secretly involved in immoral or illegal activity. Involvement, assistance, conspiracy, intrigue Disapprobation, rejection, dislike
CONVULSION a violent social or political upheaval. upheaval, eruption calm, peaceful
COPIOUS abundant in supply or quantity abundant, ample, extensive  lacking, meager, rare

We have provided some important list of this topic which will surely be helpful for you in cracking this topic. The best way to study is to go through the daily vocabulary words given on bankersadda.com. You can also read these words from any good source like newspaper or magazine. Try to use them in sentences then only you will be able to understand its meaning and remeber it for a longer time-period.

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