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LIC AAO Salary 2023 In Hand Salary, Pay Scale, Allowances, Perks, Job Profile & Promotion

LIC AAO Salary 2023

LIC Assistant Administrative Officer is one of the most prestigious jobs in the insurance sector and so a large number of candidates compete for this position. One of the important factors that attract aspirants for the notification is the salary. The basic pay of a LIC AAO(Generalist) Officer is Rs.53,600/- per month plus allowances and other benefits.  In this post, we are going to provide you with the LIC AAO 2023 detailed In-hand, Salary Structure, Allowance, Perks, Job Profile & Promotion.

LIC AAO Mains Result 2023

LIC AAO In Hand Salary, Pay Scale, Allowances, Perks, Job Profile & Promotion

Life Insurance Corporation of India is the largest Insurance company in India and securing a permanent Government Job in LIC is a dream come true for Government job aspiring candidates. Aspirants after getting selected as LIC AAO will need to complete 1 year probation period, after then they will be regarded as permanent employees. If the candidates fail to comply with the service conditions they will be required to pay an amount of 5,00,000 with GST and all other payable taxes to LIC.

LIC AAO Salary: Overview

Candidates can check the complete overview of LIC AAO Salary 2023 in the given table below.

LIC AAO Salary 2023: Overview
Organization Life Insurance Corporation of India
Exam Name LIC AAO Exam 2023
Post Assistant Administrative Officer
Vacancy 300
Notification Date 15 January 2023
Application Date 15 January 2023
 Prelims Exam Date 17 February & 20 February 2023
Mains Exam Date 18 March 2023
Official website @www.licindia.in
LIC AAO Salary 2023 Check This Post in Hindi

LIC AAO Salary 2023: Salary Structure

The salary structure of LIC AAO is 53600- 2645(14) –90630– 2865(4) –102090. As per the given salary structure, the basic pay of LIC AAO after 18 years of service of will be 1,02,090 per month. There are various allowances and deductions in the LIC AAO salary structure. The details of the same are given below.

LIC AAO Salary 2023 Salary Structure
Basic Pay
Special Allowance
HRA (Minimum 7%)
Transport Allowance
Gross Salary

LIC AAO Salary 2023: Deductions

There are certain standard amounts that are deducted from the salary of LIC AAO to get the net salary

LIC AAO Salary 2023 Deductions
Particulars Amount
New GI 137
Mediclaim 200
GIS 3050
GTIS 241
DCPS 6,933
Total Deductions 10,561
Net Salary 75,051

LIC AAO Salary 2023 Perks and Allowances

The allowances are not fixed, they are raised from time to time as per the need. The purpose of allowances is to secure against the rising cost of living and provide security against unforeseen medical expenses. A candidate selected as a LIC AAO gets many attractive allowances & perks along with a handsome salary and some of them are mentioned below with an explanation.

  1. Leave Travel Concession
  2. Medical Facility
  3. Accidental Insurance
  4. Loan facility for personal vehicle
  5. Meal Coupon
  6. Dearness Allowance
  7. House Rent Allowance
  8. Transport Allowance
  9. Special Allowance
  10. Group Insurance
  11. Mobile and other daily requirement expenses, etc.


LIC AAO Salary 2023: Probation Period

Candidates after the final selection as Assistant Administrative Officer in LIC will have to serve on probation for a time period of 1 year from the joining date. The Probation Period can be extended up to 2 years. According to the Life Insurance Corporation of India’s extant policy aspirants will be continuously examined during the given period. If a candidate will not be able to meet up the expectations then as per the policy of the organization he/she will be terminated.

LIC AAO Salary 2023: Guarantee Bond

Aspirants joining LIC as AAO will have to give the undertaking to work in LIC for a minimum period of four years from the date of joining (including the probationary period). If a candidate fails in fulfilling this undertaking then he/she or his /her heirs, executors, and administrators will be liable to pay liquidated damages of Rs.5,00,000/-only (Rupees Five Lakhs only) + GST or the sum of amount the Executive Director (Personnel) may prescribe from time to time.

LIC AAO Salary 2023: Job Profile

Prior knowledge about the job roles and responsibilities of a LIC AAO, will help you work confidently in case you crack the selection phases. Candidates can check the job profile of LIC AAO 2023 in this post.

  • Formulating new schemes and checking the already existing and new policies.
  • Supervising and filing claims and settlements of the customers.
  • Rendering assistance and coordinating with the respective other departments as well.
  • Maintaining cordial relations with the customers, interacting with them, and coming up with solutions to their queries.
  • Completing tasks on time, as assigned by the higher departmental authorities.
  • Inspection of existing facts and pointing out factual errors.


LIC AAO Salary 2023: Career Growth

Everyone who is working in the government sector gets a promotion in his job period. With the increments, the LIC AAO is expected to be getting higher-grade assistants. It will also depend upon the performance and experience of the candidate.

  • Administrative Officer
  • Assistant Divisional Manager
  • Divisional Manager
  • Senior Divisional Manager
  • Zonal Manager


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What is included in the LIC AAO Salary 2023?

LIC AAO Salary 2023 includes Basic Pay, Allowances, and other benefits.

What are the perks of a LIC AAO?

Candidates can check all the perks of LIC AAO in the above article.

What is the basic pay for LIC AAO?

The basic pay of a LIC AAO is 53,600/-

What is the net LIC AAO Salary 2023?

The net LIC AAO Salary 2023 is Rs. 75,051.

What is the Job Profile of LIC AAO?

The job profile of LIC AAO is discussed above in the post.