Here, we are providing free crash course for LIC AAO Mains as there is left not enough time to deal in details. The questions asked in the quantitative aptitude section are calculative and very time-consuming. But once dealt with proper strategy, speed, and accuracy, this section can get you the maximum marks in the examination. Following is the Quantitative Aptitude quiz to help you practice with the best of latest pattern questions.
Directions (1- 5): Line graph given below shows distance (in Kilometer)covered by Car A and Car B on five different days. Study the data carefully and answer the following questions.
Note: - Both car travel 5 hours on each day
Q1. Speed of Car B on Wednesday is what percent of the speed of car A on Monday?
Q2. Find the average of values speed of Car B on all days except Monday (in Km/hr)?
Q3. Car ‘A’ starts from Lucknow to reach Delhi at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday while at same time Car ‘B’ starts from Delhi to reach Lucknow on Sunday. At what time both cars cross each other if distance between Delhi and Lucknow is 170km? (On Sunday Speed of car ‘A’ and car ‘B’ is same as on Monday respectively)
Q4. Find the ratio between speed of Car ‘A’ on Thursday to that of on Friday?
Q5. Car ‘A’ starts on Wednesday to cover the given distance but after travelling half of the distance speed of car ‘A’ is increased by x% such that it covers remaining distance in half hour less than the scheduled time. Find the value of ‘x’?
Directions (6-10): In the following questions two equations numbered I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and
Q11. A man bought two articles at different cost price and sold them, Ist at 12.5% profit and second at profit of 20%. The selling price of both the items is same and difference of profit earn on both is Rs. 10. Find the total cost price of both articles (in Rs.)?
Q12. Ratio of profit obtained from a business by Karan and Arjun is 9 : 8 and Karan invested Rs. 15000 more than that of Arjun, while ratio of profit share of Veer and Arjun is 5 : 12 and Arjun invested Rs. 10000 less than Veer. Find the ratio of time for which Veer, Arjun and Karan invested respectively, if the ratio of amount invested by Veer and Karan is 8 : 9.
Q13. A man bought 40 items at the rate of Rs. 20/each. He sold x of them at the 20% profit and rest of them i.e. Y at the 25 % profit. Profit is Rs. 147 when he calculates profit on sold items and Rs. 7 when he calculates on overall items.
Q14. A tank contains a mixture of Dew and Sprite in the ratio of 7 : 3 and another tank contains the Dew and Sprite in the ratio of 5 : 4. In what proportion should the solution of two tanks be mixed so that in new mixture Dew and Sprite becomes in ratio 2:1.
Q15. There are two vessels A and B. A contains 25 litres pure milk and B contains 25 litres pure water. 5 litres of milk from A is taken and poured into B, then 6 litres of mixture from B is taken and poured in A. What is the ratio of water from vessel A and B:
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