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LIC AAO Mains Exam Analysis 2021, 31st October Exam Review, Asked Questions

LIC AAO Mains Exam Analysis 2021: Life Insurance Corporation Ltd. has successfully completed the LIC AAO Mains exam 2021 on 31st October 2021. All the candidates who had appeared for this examination are keenly waiting for the exam analysis to get an overview of their examination and their attempts. In this article, we will be looking at the LIC AAO Mains Exam Analysis 2021, good attempts, difficulty level, and much more, so keep reading.

LIC AAO Mains  Exam Analysis 2021 (31st October): Difficulty Level

The LIC AAO Mains exam 2021 was moderate to difficult. A total number of 122 questions (objective + descriptive) of 325 marks were asked in the LIC AAO Mains online written exam with sectional timing. According to the students and our experts, the LIC AAO Mains Exam was let us check the detailed difficulty level of the LIC mains exam 2021 from the table below.

Sections No. of Questions Difficulty Level
Reasoning Ability 30 Moderate
General Awareness 30 Moderate
Data Analysis & Interpretation (For Generalists)/Professional Knowledge (For IT/Chartered Accountant/Actuarial/Rajbhasha) 30 Moderate to Difficult
Insurance & Financial Market Awareness 30 Moderate to Difficult
English Language (Letter Writing and Essay) 2 Moderate
Overall 122 Moderate to Difficult

LIC AAO Mains Exam Analysis 2021:  Section-Wise Analysis 2021

The LIC AAO Mains Exam Analysis 2021 section-wise is given below. Here aspirants can check the detailed exam analysis of all the sections and difficulty level of all the topics asked.

Descriptive Topics

ESSAY (Within 250 Words)

1) What do you understand about sustainability? Critically comment on the efforts being made to make societies and living sustainable.

2) What India has done for migrant people and how it can improve

3) How group funding increased and what its effect

LETTER (Within 150 Words)

1) Write a letter to the branch manager regarding a delay in work.

2) Think that you are an environment specialist and you are the chief guest in an event related to the environment..now write a letter to the organizers that you are thankful to them and briefly explain what you have done related to the environment.

3) You want to organize a competition between your co-workers. so write a letter to the manager to approve it (not able to recall completely but almost)

LIC AAO Mains Exam Analysis 2021, 31st October Exam Review, Asked Questions |_3.1

FAQs: LIC AAO Mains Exam Analysis 2021

Q1. Is the LIC AAO Mains online written exam over?

Ans. Yes, the LIC AAO Mains Exam 2021 is over.

Q2. What was the level of the LIC AAO Mains exam 2021?

Ans. The level of LIC AAO Mains Exam 2021 was Moderate to Difficult.

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