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LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3 17 February Good Attempts, Exam Level

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023: LIC AAO Prelims 3rd shift is conducted successfully by the Life Insurance Corporation of India. All those candidates who have appeared in this shift are eagerly waiting for LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023. So today in this post, we are going to provide you with the complete LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023. The analysis was done by our expert team with the help of the feedback received from the candidates who have appeared in the examination.

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3: Difficulty  Level

LIC has successfully completed the LIC AAO Prelims 3rd Shift exam 2023 on 17 February 2023. As per the review received from candidates, the overall difficulty level of this shift exam was Easy to Moderate. Candidates can check the section-wise difficulty level of the 3rd shift of the LIC AAO Exam in the mentioned table below.

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023: Difficulty Level
Section Difficulty Level
Reasoning Ability Easy to Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude Easy to Moderate
English Language Easy
Overall Easy to Moderate

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3 Check in Hindi

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3: Good Attempts

The average good attempts help them to analyze their performance with other students. In the given table, we have mentioned the sectional as well as overall good attempts after coordinating with several candidates who have appeared in today’s LIC AAO 3rd shift exam.

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023: Good Attempts
Section Good Attempts
Reasoning Ability 23-26
Quantitative Aptitude 22-24
English Language 21-23
Overall 66-73

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3: Section Wise

In the LIC AAO Prelims 2023, there were a total number of 100 questions for which a sectional timing of 20 minutes for each of the three sections was given. Here, we have discussed the section-wise analysis which comprises the topics as well as a number of questions asked in the examination.

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude

Questions in the Arithmetic section were from Age, Profit & Loss, Time & Work, Boat & Stream, etc. The overall level of the Quantitative Aptitude section was Easy to Moderate. Here candidates can check the complete analysis of Quantitative Aptitude in given below table.

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude
Topics No. Of Questions
Bar Graph Data Interpretation 5
Tabular Data Interpretation 5
Caselet DI 5
Quadratic Equation 5
Wrong Number Series 5
Arithmetic 10
Total 35

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability

In Reasoning Ability, aspirants had to solve 35 questions for 35 marks in a given time duration of 20 minutes. Candidates who appeared in today’s LIC AAO Prelims exam found the overall difficulty level of the section to be Easy to Moderate. Here candidates can check the topic-wise weightage of Reasoning Ability.

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability
Topics No. Of Questions
Floor & Flat Based Puzzle 5
Box Based Puzzle 5
Parallel Row Seating Arrangement 5
Day Based Puzzle 5
Comparison Based Puzzle 3
Syllogism 3
Chinese Coding Decoding 4
Direction & Distance 3
Pair Formation 1
Word Formation 1
Total 35

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023: English Language

In the English Language section, the maximum number of questions was asked from the Reading Comprehension section. Candidates can check the detailed analysis of the English Language in the following table.

The theme of the Reading Comprehension was based on Poultry Farming.

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023: English Language
Topics No. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension 8
Para Jumble (Based on an Italian Movie) 5
Word Swap 4
 Error Detection 4
Word Usage 4
Fillers 5
Total 30

LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023: Watch Video Analysis


LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3: Exam Pattern 2023

Here candidates can check the complete LIC AAO Prelims exam pattern 2023 in the given below table.

LIC AAO Prelims Exam Pattern 2023
S. No. Name of Tests(Objective) No. of Questions Duration
1 English Language 30* 20 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 35 20 minutes
3 Reasoning Ability 35 20 minutes
Total 100 60 minutes

FAQs: LIC AAO Exam Analysis 2023

Q. What is the overall difficulty level of the LIC AAO Prelims Exam 3rd Shift?

Ans. The overall difficulty level of the LIC AAO Prelims Exam 3rd shift was Easy to Moderate.

Q. Is there any sectional timing in LIC AAO Prelims Exam 2023?

Ans. Yes, there is a sectional timing in LIC AAO Prelims Exam 2023.

Q. What are the overall good attempts in LIC AAO Prelims 3rd Shift Exam 2023?

Ans. The overall good attempts in LIC AAO Prelims 3rd Shift Exam 2023 were 66-73.

Q. What is the time duration of the LIC AAO Prelim Exam 2023?

Ans. The time duration of the LIC AAO Prelims Exam is 1 hour.

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What is the overall difficulty level of the LIC AAO Prelims Exam 3rd Shift?

The overall difficulty level of the LIC AAO Prelims Exam 3rd shift was Easy to Moderate.

Is there any sectional timing in LIC AAO Prelims Exam 2023?

Yes, there is a sectional timing in LIC AAO Prelims Exam 2023.

What are the overall good attempts in LIC AAO Prelims 3rd Shift Exam 2023?

The overall good attempts in LIC AAO Prelims 3rd Shift Exam 2023 were 66-73.

What is the time duration of the LIC AAO Prelim Exam 2023?

The time duration of the LIC AAO Prelims Exam is 1 hour.