LIC AAO Prelims Exam 2019 is scheduled to be held on 4th/5th May. That means you are still left with more than a month to give the final touch to your preparations for this exam. Many banking/insurance examinations were conducted recently and we got to see a variety of new pattern questions on the question paper. That the pattern is only getting complex and convoluted day by day, English Language is a section that nobody can give a cold shoulder to. The total number of questions in the English Language Section of LIC AAO Prelims Examination 2019 will be 30.
The next important topic is Fillers. Generally, double fillers/ sentence/ multiple sentence fillers are asked but, this year there is a possibility of triple fillers also, as the difficulty level of exams has only been rising. For fillers, you need to work on vocabulary as most of the questions are based on vocab only.
Next important topics are odd one out, para jumbles and match the columns. The good thing about para jumbles is that you can manage to do it even if you are weak in English, simply by making use of common sense, as it doesn’t test your grammar or vocabulary, you just need to find the connection between two parts. Also, keep in mind that there has to be a continuation in the paragraph when you rearrange the sentences.