Dear Students, Adda247 has always tried to provide its students with the best of the study materials both in online as well as offline medium. We make every possible effort to reach out to you and make every crucial study material available to you to let you make a headway in your career with the government job you are preparing for. Your trust and faith in us will always encourage us to do more and more for you and your bright future. Now that most of the banking, as well as SSC exams, are queued up to be held in the upcoming months, most of you would be wondering if what could be the best way to grab these opportunities and not let them slip through your fingers. So, students, Adda247 is here a portal to make learning easier for you and that is Adda247 Publications!!
In the new era of technology, where most of the study material is available in an online mode, many students still want it on papers. So, keeping in mind this particular need of students, Adda247 launched Adda247 Publications which has become the only platform to provide the students with the best of the latest pattern study material on papers. From the book on Puzzles and Seating Arrangements to a special book on Data Interpretation, Adda247 Publications is providing you all with a wide range of books that explain the core concepts in a way that you will find nowhere else. These books cover a wide range of important topics of the concerned subject for the competitive exams starting from basics to the highest level that one can go to while preparing for them.

When it comes to learning, it is far easier to learn a particular thing that is being described in your own language or the language that you have always been in touch with. Adda247 realized the need and has now come up with 50+ Bank PO & Clerk 2016-18 Previous Years’ Papers Book available completely in Hindi. Solved mock papers of SBI PO, SBI Clerk, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, IBPS RRB PO and IBPS RRB Clerk will not only help you get an insight into the previous year questions but will also help you analyze how the pattern of examination changes from time to time. This way, you will be able to figure out what could be the next possible change in the pattern of examination and how to get yourself ready to tackle it with poise. Also, this book incorporates more than 400 questions on Banking and Static Awareness to help you make the grades in General Awareness Section of all the banking examinations.
20+ IBPS PO Prelims 2018: Mock Test Papers ENGLISH EDITION provides previous year papers of 2016 and 2017 along with 20 mock papers for IBPS PO Prelims 2018 examination. Practicing with mocks provided in the book ensures your success in the upcoming IBPS PO Examination because it covers everything from basics to the highest level one can go to while preparing for this exam. The book incorporates 2200 Questions, Previous year papers of 2016 and 2017 and 20 Full Length Mocks of IBPS PO Prelims with 100% detailed solutions. You will be able to access the e-book by logging into your Adda247 account at or Adda247 mobile application.
There are many more printed edition books by Adda247 Publications for the upcoming competitive examinations. An exclusive feature of Adda247 Publications lets you access an e-version of every hard copy book that you purchase which will be updated as per the new changes introduced in future in the pattern of the concerned competitive examination. And nowadays, when one gets to see an exorbitantly changed pattern of examination that is conducted to carry out a government recruitment process, this feature is definitely going do a good turn. Also, Adda247 has now made it easier for you to make the payment of the books you purchase with a new feature. This feature allows you to make the payments using PayTm. So students, do not waste any time and get yourself Adda247 Publications latest pattern books now!!