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Last Week Preparation Strategy for RBI Grade B Exam 2021

Reserve Bank Of India has released the admit card for the online examination of the RBI Grade B phase 1 examination. The examination is scheduled to be held on 6 March 2021. As the exam is just 2 days far, we hope that all the students who are going to appear in the examination, are going well with their preparation. Today, in this article we are providing you the last week strategy that all the aspirants must read and follow, who are going to appear in the RBI Grade B examination 2021. 

Last Week Preparation Strategy for RBI Grade B Exam 2021 |_3.1

RBI Grade B 2021 Phase 1 exam pattern:

Before jumping on last week’s strategy let’s have a look at the exam pattern of phase 1. The exam will have four sections in which the total number of questions asked will be 200 and the time for attempting the paper will be 120 minutes. Also, candidates have to secure minimum marks separately for each section,  they are required to qualify the sectional cut-off as well as the overall cutoff. The detailed exam pattern is given below:

S. No. Objective Type Test No of Questions Marks Time (in minutes)
1 General Awareness 80 80 25
2 Reasoning 60 60 45
3 English Language 30 30 25
4 Quantitative Aptitude 30 30 25
Total 200 200 120

 RBI Grade B 2021  last week strategy:

As only two days are remaining for the examination all hope that all the students have covered up the syllabus and are going with the revision.  According to the toppers, the days are meant for the revision and the mock test now let us focus on the strategy that candidate for appearing in the examination should follow so that they can qualify for the RBI Grade B Phase 1 2020 examination:

English language:

Starting with the English language section. Start covering the comprehensive section and practice a good number of questions on these topics English is said to be a scoring section if you are very clear with the concepts.

After this Video practice some of the important topics such as errors, fillers, etc.

Keep a good hand on the vocabulary section as well,  read and revise all the new words you came through in your preparation and try to read at least one editorial a day.

Lastly, practice with the sectional test and the free quizzes available on an Adda 247 app which helps you in improving your performance.


The reasoning is set to be quite a tricky section but if a candidate is having good command in the section and is very clear with the concepts with the tricks used this section can be a scoring one.

So start practicing the question of some of the important topics mentioned below:

puzzles( box based,  floor-based, calendar-based,  Day/ month based)

sitting arrangement( linear, circular, facing inside/ Outside etc)


critical reasoning


blood relation



data sufficiency

After this practice, the question of the miscellaneous topic remained.

Give the sectional test and the quizzes available on our adda247 app.

And try to give maximum time on the topics which you are having good command and avoid any new topic in the last days.

Quantitative aptitude

Data interpretation carries a good Weightage in the RBI examination,  so so start 830 in the question of the data interpretation topics such  as line graph bar graph pie chart tabular caselet mixed DI Radar table funnel based DI, etc

After this practice, the question of number series approximation and quadratic equation, then give your time to data sufficiency and after this all the miscellaneous topics

These are some of the important topics which need to be well prepared for the RBI Grade B Phase 1 examination 2021

Practice is the key to success. Solve the sectional test and try to solve the question of a new pattern which will help you in solving the question in the examination very well.

Try to maintain your speed  and accuracy as well


General awareness

This section is quite important as this will carry directly 80 questions of 80 marks so you need to prepare well for this section. This section is said to be quite scoring as you don’t need to do any calculations to give the answers. These questions are straightforward and you can answer this question in less time compared to the other as the number of questions asked in the examination will be 80 so there is a good scope in scoring well in the examination.

As per the question of the previous year, the maximum number of questions asked from the current affairs so prepare the current affairs of the last 5 to 6 months properly.

Read the general awareness section as well Go through all the reforms introduced by RBI monetary policy SEBI business use Basel norms,  nbfc, etc.

Prepare well for the section as this can help you in gaining a maximum mark in the examination.

How to Revise General Awareness for RBI Grade B Exam 2021

At last practice with the mock test available on ada247 which are keenly designed by our expert faculty based on the latest pattern of RBI Grade B Phase 1 examination. The benefit of giving the mock test is that you will be able to analyze your performance and mistakes which can be avoided in the examination as well it will help you in increasing your speed with accuracy. 

Try to solve the question of the previous year as this will give you an idea about the question and exam pattern as well as the difficulty level of the questions asked in the examination.

Bankers Adda wishes you good luck with your examination.

Keep practicing with Adda 247.


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