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Last Minute Tips to Crack SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2020

State Bank of India is all set to conduct SBI Clerk Prelims 2020 exam on 22nd, 29th February, 1st and 8th March 2020 for 8000 Vcancies. It is going to be tough for the students as lakhs of student going to appear for the exam and all the aspirants appear in the exam to secure a position, so we are here with last minute tips which help you to prepare how you should prepare for the exam at last few days.

With less than 5 days left in the SBI Clerk Prelims Students must be feeling Strung as the last few days are the most critical  days for the preparation. The last days test your patience and are important for build up whatever you have prepared.


SBI Clerk Prelims 2020: Last Minute Revision Tips

Section-Wise Tips

English Language: English section carries 30 questions with a total score of 30 marks and time duration of 20 minutes. most of the students think that this is the most critical section students don’t have too scared from this section you can prepare this section with little work. so all you can do is keep calm and go after the below instructions;

  • Work on your basics brush up your  grammar like parts of speech, adjective, subject-verb agreement, preposition, and verbs. 
  • This section takes less time compared to other section you can easily attempt all your questions in 20 minutes, so attempt this section with accuracy.
  • Reading comprehension carries highest weightage in English section read the passage focusly then try to answer the question.
  • Work on your vocabs because you can easily get 2-4 marks, voacb don’t have proper rules so, it doesn’t require prior knowledge. voacb helps in preparing for Reading comprehension also.
  • Important topics to prepare Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, Other (Verbal ability) etc.
  • Practice previous year paper to get the idea about the paper and type of questions asked.

Quantitative Aptitude: Quantitative section carries 35 questions of 35 marks and time duration is 20 minutes, question level of this section is moderate to difficult. Practice plays a very important part in quant section and this section is most time consuming also so you should manage your time so well in this section.

  • Don’t try any new topic at last week, you should work your strong area.
  • If you are taking more than 1 minute in one question then skip that question instead of solving that in any cost.
  • Continuous practice helps you to tackle this section practice helps you to score good in this section.
  • Important topics to be covered in this section Quadratic Equation, Data Interpretation, Simplification/Approximation, Work & Time, Number series, Profit Loss, Ratio and Proportion, Data Sufficiency.

Reasoning section: This section also carries 35 questions of 35 marks and time alloted is 20 minutes. you have to apply short tricks in this section otherwise it’s very time consuming. Practice different type of question will help you to tackle this section.here are some tips how you should prepare for reasoning at few days.

  • Try to solve as many puzzles as you can because it is the most scoring topic.
  • Focus on your time management because this section also takes time you should know your strong and week points.
  • Solve easy questions first then try to solve tough question. Puzzle takes time so you should solve puzzle questions at last.
  • Important topics to focus on inequalities, direction and distance, syllogism, coding-decoding, alphanumeric series, and puzzle.

General Tips 

  • Don’t try anything new at this time to prepare, try to revise the topics in which you are confident.
  • Take sectional as well as full length Mocks to check your speed and Accuracy.
  • Revise everything you had study till now you can manage your time by taking mocks.
  • Don’t stress and be confident about your exam always, confidence plays a very important role in exam sometimes we know the question but because of fear we are not able to solve that question.
  • Take a proper 6-8 hours sleep and eat healthy food with lot of fibres and minerals.


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