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Last-Minute Tips For LIC Assistant Mains Exam

LIC Assistant Mains exam is going to take place on 22nd December 2019, which is just few days away from now. In the previous exams held by LIC like AAO, ADO and Even HFL it has been observed that LIC has now raised the difficulty bar and it seems difficult to crack the exam if you have not practiced upto your fuller efficiency. Those who use to practice just few topics earlier, to their dismay this strategy is not going to work this time. They have to put their arduous effort to beat the crowd fighting for the same. There is cut throat competition when it comes to competitive exams one has to be good damn at this to get a seat in government sector.

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We presume that almost all of you must have finished their syllabus for LIC assistant mains. But just finishing off the syllabus is not going to work, you have to keep revising it so that everything stays fresh in your mind to recall the things at the time of examination. Due to addition of Hindi language, students have to focus and divide their time for this section also. Now they have to prepare five sections where as students appearing from Non-Hindi speaking zone have to tied their note for four sections only. As we are in the last week of LIC Assistant Mains exam, this is the time to revise all that you have prepared in the past few months. Last minute revision tips are must for any exam. Here we are sharing some important last minute tips that will help you sail through the LIC Assistant Mains exam 2019.

Important Links:

Apart from practicing the questions with updated pattern and variety, check the strategy that will lead you to ace your marks in the upcoming exam and surely in LIC Assistant Mains. You can help yourself with the section-wise strategy shared below, and tips to ace in the GA section for LIC Mains exam. Check out the important links to clear LIC Assistant exam.

Important Links: 

Last-Minute Tips For LIC Assistant Mains 2019

Complete Idea of the Exam Pattern: One should have complete knowledge of the exam pattern so that they feel relaxed while attempting the question paper. Check the mains exam pattern below.

The pattern of the exam is different for the different post. To check the detailed exam pattern for LIC Assistant Mains, Click here.

Knowledge about Previous Year Cut Off: A fair idea about the previous year cut off will help the students appearing for it understand the minimum correct questions which they must attempt to get shortlisted for the final selection.

Revision of Important Topics: Revising what you have learnt is the crucial part in competitive examinations.

While preparing, students might have prepared important notes to be revised at the last moment. Go through those notes.

Remember, you have to retain a lot of things to score better in the LIC Assistant Mains exam.

Planning: Make a plan on how to attempt the exam.

There will be sectional timing  in the exam thus you have to divide your time according to your preference.

Be sure of the sectional timing and make sure you attempt all te important questions in the beginning so that you do not have to hustle in the last.

Number of mock to be given at the last moment: Take atleast one mock per day when you are left with only few days. The main motto of taking the online mock test is to analyze your performance for the real exam so that you do not face any issue while attempting the LIC Mains exam 2019.

Do not take stress: Exercise helps in releasing and relaxing hormones, that makes your mind active and fresh.

Take care of your diet. This can also effect your thinking. It is suggested to eat healthy food that can be easily digested.

Take atleast 8 hours of sleep to relax yourself. Take proper rest before appearing for the exam.

Keep Your Documents Ready: Get your admit card printed in advance to be at the safer side.

Take the photocopy of the valid identity proof and attach the recent passport size photograph, wherever required.

To avoid last minute confusion, visit your exam center a day before the actual exam.

Tips to be followed while attempting the question paper

Keep yourself relaxed and calm: Enter the examination room with a calm and fresh mind. Try to recall the important things needed. Remember you have experience of attempting the exam in the form of mock test. So do not panic yourself.

Keep a check on the number of questions to be attempted: As there is a rise every year in the cut off, try to attempt at least 15-20 more questions from the previous year cut off with 100% accuracy.

Choice of question: Select the question in the beginning  which are less time consuming and can be easily solved. Solving questions will give you a boost to solve even the complex questions.

Do not spend much of your time on a single question: Make sure you do not spend too much time on a single question. If the question is doable, attempt it else move on to other. You have a lot to solve.

Time management: Although you will have pretty good time to solve the questions but due to complexity and difficulty of question, you may feel shortage of time during the exam. So it is important to manage your time efficiently.

Do not mark answer on guessing: As there will be negative marking in the LIC Assistant Mains exam, it is advisable not to mark answer on the guessing. If you are sure about the answer, mark it.

Start Preparing For LIC Assistant Main 2019!

Click Here to Check LIC Assistant Mains Preparation Material 

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