Dear Readers,
We’ve observed in the recent exams that the tough questions make many students trip. This simply means that many students get panicked on getting difficult questions. The patience plays a key role in dealing with such situation. So while attempting the exam your choices of questions attempted and your accuracy will matter a lot.
The time for IBPS PO Prelims Exam has come. Tomorrow is the second shift of IBPS PO Prelims and the moment when your hard work and dedication will bear fruit. This article is related to the last minute tips which will help you ease things out. Within 24 hours, the fate of many candidates will get locked down.
The pattern of IBPS Exam is very similar to what it has been previously. And from the first shift’s paper we’ve seen that English is of Moderate to Difficult Level while Quant and Reasoning was of Easy to Moderate level. You must be really careful with the choice of questions you attempt as each mark can make or break you goal of securing a job in the Bank. And don’t panic if you encounter a tough question, just maintain you calm and concentration.

And be patient and if you feel that you are unable to get the answer to the questions then move on because in the end, accuracy of your attempts matters more than high number of attempts.
You must be careful of negative marking. Do not take chances while attempting questions because if you do not maintain accuracy, then your high number of attempts might go in vain. Do read the instructions. First read the questions carefully than work on the answer, as sometime we skip the rules of questions like – in questions examiner is asking for ‘not follow’ but we go with ‘follows’ option as we have done practice with ‘follow’ option. And also do go through the Memory Based Paper of previous shift as it can help you a lot in understanding the pattern and type of questions that you’ll encounter tomorrow.
And don’t wait for tomorrow, do take a print out of you Admit Card today and also read the instruction given on the admit card carefully.