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Last Minute Strategy For SBI Apprentice Exam 2021

SBI has released a total of 8500 vacancies for the post of Apprentice, for which the application was started from 20 November 2020 and it lasts up to 10 December 2020.  Although, the exam dates are not yet released officially by SBI, but it is expected that the exam dates will be released soon. Moreover, as the competition is increasing rapidly, and many students have applied for the job, work hard and grab your position for the selection. In this article we are providing our aspirants about the last minute strategy and tips you should follow for SBI Apprentice examination 2021.

Before jumping to the strategy and tips for examination, we will discuss about the selection process and examination pattern.

SBI Apprentice Selection Process 2021

SBI Apprentice examination selection process is done in three phases.

Online Written test:

In this process candidates have to give written online examination, in which there will be total 100 questions and this will have objective type questions and it will have 4 sections of 4 subjects: English, General Financial Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability and Computer Ability.

Local Language Test:

This is the next stage of selection, candidates who will clear the first stage i.e. online written test, those candidates will be eligible for the next round of selection process, and in this the candidates will be called for the local language test, and all those candidates must be proficient in reading, writing, speaking and understanding of the particular state language from where they have applied for the vacancies.

Medical Examination:

Candidates after clearing the language test will be called for medical test, and candidates have to be medically fit as per the requirement of bank.

You may also check SBI Apprentice Admit Card 2021: SBI To Release Admit Card Soon @sbi.co.in, Check Details

5 Qualities Of A Successful Aspirant. Do You Have These? 

Last Minute Strategy For SBI Apprentice Exam 2021 |_3.1

SBI Apprentice exam pattern 2021

The SBI apprentice exam will be conducted online, which will have 4 sections in which total 60 minutes will be given to the candidates for giving the examination. This will have English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning ability and Computer Aptitude and general/ financial awareness. Check the detailed exam pattern below:


Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 25 25 15 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 25 25 15 Minutes
General English 25 25 15 Minutes
General / Financial Awareness 25 25 15 Minutes
Total 100 100 1 Hour



There will be a negative marking of ¼ th marks for every wrong answer, and there will no penalty for any unanswered question.

 Last Minutes Strategy that should be followed for SBI Apprentice Examination 2021

As of now exam dates are not officially announced by SBI, but as expected it will be out soon, so be prepared well for the examination and for the same follow the strategy which are mention below:

We hope up till now the concepts are cleared, and only few days are remaining for the exams, start your revision as soon as possible, as it will help you in getting remembered all the important things, such as grammar rules, some formulas and tricks. Note down the important things and make some short notes for last minute revision before exam.

For Quantitative Aptitude section, try to remember all the important formulas, and increase your calculation speed, as well try to solve DI on regular basis which includes the questions related to Bar Graph, pie chart, line graph. Practice the daily quizzes which are available for free on our Adda247 app, which will help you in getting your concepts stronger, as well it will improve your speed and accuracy, as well try to give, mocks and sectional tests regularly which are available on our app which are thoroughly designed by our expert’s faculty.

For Reasoning Aptitude section, this section might be quite scoring try to solve the new pattern questions and give daily mocks and tests which will help you in improving your mistakes.

For English section, try to practice the questions related to reading comprehension and practice the vocabulary part which will help you in gaining marks in the exams.

Lastly, for General/ financial Awareness, prepare the current affairs of last 5-6 months and practice more questions related to financial awareness and some static awareness questions. This section as well is a quite scoring section if you have a good revision of questions.

The most important strategy for the preparation of SBI apprentice exam 2021 is practice, do as much practice as you can, try to solve the new pattern questions and give daily mocks and free quizzes which are available on our adda247 app.

All the best for your exams, and keep practicing with Adda247 app!!



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