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Is SBI Clerk Exam More Difficult Than IBPS Clerk?

One of the most commonly asked question among students who are preparing for SBI Clerk or IBPS Clerk is, which is the more difficult between the two exams?. So, in this article, we have tried to answer that question to our students by comparing the two on certain factors. One thing that we have noticed based on the past trend that the two exams have followed, is the way of changing the new pattern questions. Students have witnessed more surprises when it comes to new pattern questions in SBI Clerk than in IBPS Clerk. 

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 IBPS Clerk Prelims 2018

IBPS Clerk VS. SBI Clerk Mains Cut-Off 2019 (State-Wise)

States SBI Clerk Cut-off IBPS Clerk
Punjab 102.75 56.58
Andhra Pradesh 99.75 50.98
Bihar 98.00 51.78
Karnataka 85.75 51.95
Jharkhand 97.50 50.63
Haryana 103.25 56.43
Uttar Pradesh 97.50 51.45
Delhi 99.75 55.83
Madhya Pradesh 94.75 51.18
Rajasthan 97.00 53.18
Uttarakhand 96.50 52.25
West Bengal 97.25 53.28
Himachal Pradesh 101.25 53.05
Odisha 94.75 51.28
Chattisgarh 87.75 49.88
Maharashtra 89.75 50.08
Gujarat 91.25 48.45
Kerala 96.25 53.58
Tamil Nadu 98.00 52.43
Assam 85.00 49.83

SBI Clerk exam and IBPS Clerk exam both are of 200 marks but in the IBPS Clerk exam the total marks are converted into 100 marks. You can easily get your total score by multiplying the marks given above in the table by 2. This way you can easily compare the two cut-offs. On average if you will see the cut off of IBPS Clerk is greater in comparison to SBI Clerk. This simply means that the paper must be doable in IBPS Clerk in comparison to SBI Clerk or it may be because that the number of vacancies was less in IBPS Clerk 2018-2019 in comparison to SBI Clerk 2019.

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IBPS Clerk vs SBI Clerk: Recruitment Process 2020

The recruitment process of both the exams are same hence the difficulty level cannot be based on the  recruitment process as they both have same application process, same syllabus and infact the same organization conducts both the exams . The final list is solely based on the mains marks and there is no extra stage than that.

Recruitment Process IBPS Clerk SBI Clerk
The pattern of Selection Procedure  Prelims + Mains Prelims + Mains
Exam Pattern (Prelims) Language, Numerical, Reasoning Time: Subjected to change in 2020 English, Numerical, Reasoning Time: 20 mins each section
 Exam Pattern (Mains) 4 Sections (Aptitude, Reasoning, GK & English) Time: overall 160 Mins (Subjected to change) 5 Sections (Aptitude, Reasoning, GK and awareness, English & Computer Knowledge) Time: 160 Mins (separate timing for each section)
 Eligibility  Same  Same
 Application Process  Similar  Similar
 Cut-off trends Low in comparison Check IBPS Clerk Cut Off  Higher Check SBI Clerk Cut-off
 Final Selection  Based on Mains result  Based on Mains result

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SBI Clerk Vs. IBPS Clerk Vacancies

This is another important factor that decides the cut-off. The number of vacancies is inversely proportional to the cut-off that is more is the number of vacancies lower will be the cut-off. In the last years, we have seen that the number of vacancies is more in SBI Clerk than in IBPS Clerk and most of the major states like Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Haryana tends to have higher cut-off in IBPS Clerk than the SBI Clerk because the number of vacancies ware less.

SBI Clerk Vacancy  8000+
IBPS Clerk Vacancy 7000+


From the points discussed above we can say that both the paper have the same level of difficulty but because SBI Clerk has more new pattern questions students might find it more difficult. The second factor is the number of vacancies  as it is inversely proportional to the cut-off. If an exam has more vacancies the cut-off will ultimately be lower and vice-versa but a student with the right strategy and approach can easily clear both the exams without a doubt. So give your best and work hard!

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Frequently Asked Question:

Q. Is it difficult to crack IBPS clerk?

No exam is difficult if you work hard.

Q. Is it easy to clear SBI clerk?

Ans Yes!, with right strategy you can easily clear SBI Clerk.

What is the difference between SBI clerk and IBPS clerk?

Ans. The only difference that an SBI Clerk gets the job in branches of SBI while IBPS Clerk can get the job in any bank branch.

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