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International Poverty Eradication Day 2023, Date, History & Theme

International Poverty Eradication Day 2023

The International Poverty Eradication Day is a global observation commemorated on 17 October. This day raises awareness about the increasing poverty rate in global terms and how people are struggling continuously to be under the shadow of poverty. On this day, we have to understand that poverty should be strictly eradicated within developing countries. Otherwise, this aspect is going to be an obstacle for the people and the development processes. Through this article, we will be mentioning all the important objectives of International Poverty Eradication Day 2023, along with its theme and history.

International Poverty Eradication Day 2023 Date

International Poverty Eradication Day 2023 will be commemorated on 17 October 2023, which is falling on Tuesday this year. This day’s major initiative is to channel understanding between people living in society and people living in poverty. This day highlights the complex issues faced by the people living in poverty, such as lack of proper education, healthcare, societal acceptance, financial status and more. It is a tedious task to eliminate poverty. However, this day can bring significant changes by initiating diversification, economic stability, and sustainable growth. To fight against poverty, everyone must understand the terms of human rights, social justice and a collaborative attitude.

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International Poverty Eradication Day 2023 History

The International Poverty Eradication Day was established on 17 October 1987. This initiative has been supported by around 100,000 individuals who came together at Trocadero in Paris. Here, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was accepted during 1948 to showcase honor to the population who were suffering from poverty, hunger, inequality and violence. The following individuals protested that poverty is the major reason which is violating human rights. So, proper steps were taken to make the rights work equally for everyone. On 22 December 1992, the UN General Assembly’s Resolution 47/196 officially announced 17 October to be celebrated as the International Poverty Eradication Day. 

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International Poverty Eradication Day 2023 Significance

The International Poverty Eradication Day 2023 is a great reminder for the worldwide audiences through which we can understand the struggle to defeat poverty. Many initiatives are highlighted on this day to destruct the deep-rooted economic, social, and human rights issues rising due to poverty. This day requires collective efforts to help people suffering from poverty. Through our small steps, we can impactfully cancel the effects of poverty, which is considered to be one of the most dangerous global issues. So, we should unite and maintain some sustainable attributes to make progress happen.

International Poverty Eradication Day 2023 Theme

The theme for International Poverty Eradication Day 2023 has been decided to be  “Decent Work and Social Protection: Putting Dignity in Practice for All“. This theme has been implemented to focus on universal access to social protection to maintain human dignity for everyone.


International Poverty Eradication Day 2023, Date, History & Theme_4.1

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When do we observe International Poverty Eradication Day 2023?

On 17 October we observe International Poverty Eradication Day 2023.

What is the theme of International Poverty Eradication Day 2023?

The theme of International Poverty Eradication Day 2023 is  "Decent Work and Social Protection: Putting Dignity in Practice for All".

When was the International Poverty Eradication Day 2023 was inaugurated?

The International Poverty Eradication Day 2023 was inaugurated on 17 October, 1987.

What is the history of International Poverty Eradication Day 2023?

The history of International Poverty Eradication Day 2023 has been mentioned in the article above.