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International Labour Day 2020 on 1 May

International Labour Day 2020: International Labour Day is observed as a day when the public is educated regarding the global concerns of humanity. It is the day to spread awareness among people and hence in many countries across the globe, different events and activities are organized. 

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History of International Labour Day

It all started way back in 1886 when on 1st May; people in the United States of America started a strike to fix the working duration to a maximum of 8 hours per day. Soon, there was a bomb blast that took place on 4th May in Haymarket Square of Chicago in which many people died and many others were severely injured. In respect to those who died in the incident, the socialist pan-national organization started 1st May as International Labour Day that also promoted labour welfare throughout the world. 

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It was only in the year 1891 when 1st May was announced formally to be observed as International Labour Day each year. 

Theme and Significance

The main aim of celebrating International Labour Day each year is to promote awareness about the workers and labours investing their time and toil in different available work options. The day is observed to respect any kind of work and to let humanity thrive over the intolerable customs of a torturous labour system that used to take place earlier. 

To observe the day and celebrate it with proper awareness and spread of knowledge, there are different themes designed each year. From employment promotion to constructing the future for decent work, there are different themes that are designed for the special day. 

Check List of Important Days in 2020

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Last year, the theme for International Labour Day was ‘Uniting the workers for economic as well as social advancement”. This year, due to the pandemic alert across the world, the theme for International Labour Day 2020 is of maintaining safety and security at the workplace. 

There are a number of places where the pandemic situation has been controlled, yet in order to maintain safety measures, the Government is promoting to follow different ways of how the employees and workers can work safely. 

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Facts about International Labour Day

There are some interesting facts that one should know about the International Labour Day. 

  • The roots of the current International Labour Day goes to Chicago in the year 1886 when people started a strike demanding eight hours of working schedule. 

  • The official announcement of the International Labour Day was made in the year 1891. 

  • In many countries such as South Africa, Brazil, and Ethiopia, International Labour Day is also known by the name of Worker’s Day. 

  • Though the roots of International Labour Day have in the US, it is observed and celebrated on some other day by the Americans. Labour Day is observed as a national holiday on the 1st of September in the USA as in the year 1880, the Central Labour Union first celebrated Labour Day on 1st September. 

  • It is on this day when a number of Acts have been created in different countries such as the Child Labour Act in the year 1986 by the Indian Government. This act prohibits any child less than 14 years to get involved in any kind of labour work. 

International Labour Day is marked as an international day to spread awareness about the working class of the society. In many countries, this day is celebrated as a national holiday while in many other countries, there are different events that take place to celebrate the day, keeping the main motto of spreading awareness. 

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