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International Everest Day 2024, Date, History and Significance

International Everest Day 2024

International Everest Day is an annual celebration observed on May 29th, commemorating the remarkable feat of two mountaineers who conquered Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, in 1953. The individuals being honored are Tenzing Norgay from Nepal and Edmund Hillary from New Zealand. Mount Everest, the subject of this celebration, is situated on the border between Nepal and China.

Nepal, recognizing the significance of this achievement, has made the decision to observe International Mount Everest Day every year. On this day, the capital city of Kathmandu hosts various events and processions to pay tribute to the mountaineers who achieved this extraordinary feat.

Individuals preparing for competitive examinations can refer to this article to gain comprehensive information about International Everest Day 2024. The article delves into the history behind International Everest Day, the theme chosen for the 2024 celebration, and the significance of observing this day. It serves as a valuable resource for those seeking detailed knowledge about this commemorative occasion.

Theme of International Everest Day 2024

To promote awareness and honor the accomplishments of mountaineers, an annual theme is designated for International Everest Day. The specific theme chosen to highlight the significance of this occasion in 2024 has not been unveiled or made public as of yet. Once revealed, the chosen theme will serve as a focal point, shedding light on the remarkable feats and contributions of those who conquer formidable peaks like Mount Everest.

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History of International Everest Day 2024

The initial endeavors to scale mountains can be traced back to the British expeditions of the 1920s. However, it was 68 years ago when history was made by Tenzing Norgay from Nepal and Edmund Hillary from New Zealand, as they successfully conquered the peaks, etching their names in the annals of mountaineering achievements. Since their remarkable feat in 1953, a growing number of individuals have followed suit, tackling the challenge of ascending the mountains, leading to an ever-increasing influx of visitors each year. Notably, Mount Everest stands as the highest peak when measured from sea level.

International climbers and families have actively participated in the commemorative events held on International Everest Day, celebrating the accomplishments of these intrepid mountaineers. The inaugural observance of International Mount Everest Day took place in 2008, a poignant occasion that coincided with the passing of Edmund Hillary. It was in recognition of this monumental achievement that Nepal designated May 29 as International Everest Day, paying homage to the historic climb and its lasting legacy.

Significance of International Everest Day 2024

The organization and coordination of International Everest Day are undertaken by the Adventure Sports Tourism Society and the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB). Mount Everest, the subject of this commemoration, stands as the highest point on Earth and the loftiest peak within the Great Himalayas of Asia. Geographically, Everest is situated in the Mahalangur Himal sub-range of the Himalayan Mountain system.

To honor and pay tribute to the remarkable achievements of mountaineers, a series of events and celebrations are meticulously planned and executed. These occasions witness the participation of esteemed individuals, including government ministers, accomplished climbers, high-ranking officials, and tourism entrepreneurs, all united in their admiration for those who have conquered nature’s most formidable challenges.

The name “Mount Everest” was bestowed upon the mountain by the British, in recognition of Sir George Everest, a renowned 19th-century British surveyor who extensively mapped the regions of South Asia.

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When do we celebrate International Everest Day?

Every year International Everest Day is celebrated on 29th May.

What is the history of International Everest Day 2024?

Students can read about the history of the day in the above article.

What is the significance of the International Everest Day 2024?

International Everest Day is organized by the Adventure Sports Tourism Society and Nepal Tourism Board (NTB). Students can refer to the above article to know more about the significance of the day.