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International Day of Older Persons 2023, Date, Theme and Significance

International Day Of Older Persons 2023

Older people around us always fill our hearts with positivity. So, to commemorate this pleasurable moment, the International Day Of Older Persons is celebrated on 01 October annually. Older people are said to be the other forms of wisdom, faith, and great intellect. They can be the enlightening guiding light in our lives through which we can eradicate every odd. The United Nations General Assembly has coined international Day Of Older Persons. This day delivers an optimum opportunity to celebrate and honor the elderly people and acknowledge their prominence in society. Moreover, this day also enlightens the issues the older people are facing these days and how this will worsen their well-being. Read this post to discover the detailed history, theme, and significance of International Day Of Older Persons 2023.

Important Days In October 2023

International Day Of Older Persons 2023 Date

International Day Of Older Persons 2023 is celebrated every year on 01 October 2023. It is considered to be a global occasion where the selfless charm and contributions of elderly people are enlightened. Moreover, this day also focuses on some extreme challenges they face in their day-to-day life. So, if you want to make this society a better place to live, we should definitely honor the point of view and aspects that older persons want to convey. In this article, we will give you a detailed knowledge about the history and observation of International Day Of Older Persons 2023 along with its significance.

History Of International Day Of Older Persons 2023

On 14 December 1990, the International Day Of Older Persons was officially designated by the United Nations General Assembly. This day was established through the resolution of 45/06. This day was specifically initiated to understand the importance of senior citizens present all over the globe. On the other hand, in 1982, the World Assembly on Ageing implemented the Vienna International Plan of Action about Ageing. Through this act, a number of global policies have been adopted on aging. Later, in 1991, the UN General Assembly accepted the United Nations Principles as per the resolution 46/91. The following resolution ruled with the principles of ensuring the dignity and well-being of older individuals.

International Day Of Older Persons 2023 Significance

The International Day Of Older Persons signifies the obstacles and issues the older generation is going through. When we look at the era of 1980 to 2021, the rate of older people almost tripled and rose to a count of 761 million. This shift has elevated the significance of focusing on aging-related issues. It has been estimated that between 2021 to 2050, the rate of older people will increase at a level of at least 17%. So, all these aspects signify the importance of maintaining the values and well-being of elderly people. Moreover, on this International Day Of Older Persons 2023, we should respect the sentiments of elderly people, and we should also make young minds aware of the importance of older persons.

International Day Of Older Persons 2023 Theme

The theme of this International Day Of Older Persons 2023 has been decided to be “Fulfilling the Promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for Older Persons: Across Generations.”

How To Celebrate International Day Of Older Persons 2023

Here, we have enlisted some crucial measures through which you can celebrate the International Day Of Older Persons 2023 effectively.

  • Have a friendly discussion with older persons near you.
  • Work for an organization near you that authentically serves the betterment of older people’s lifestyle.
  • Send your love and messages to all the older persons around the world through social media posts.
  • Donate some amount to any old age home.


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When do we celebrate International Day of Older Persons 2023?

We celebrate International Day of Older Persons 2023 on 01 October every year.

What is the theme of International Day of Older Persons 2023?

The theme of International Day of Older Persons 2023 has been decided to be “Fulfilling the Promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for Older Persons: Across Generations.”

When was the International Day of Older Persons 2023 has been established officially?

The International Day of Older Persons 2023 was established on 14 December 1990.

Who established the International Day of Older Persons 2023?

The United Nations General Assembly has designated the International Day of Older Persons 2023.

What is the history of International Day of Older Persons 2023?

The history of International Day Of Older Persons 2023 has been given in the article above.