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Independence Day English Vocabulary 2020: Word List of Independence Day

sovereign (noun) सम्राट
Meaning:- a supreme ruler, especially a monarch.
Synonyms:- monarch, autocrat, chief
Antonyms:- servant
Example:- “Be sovereign of Greece, and then enjoy ourselves,” said the king.

Provision (noun) प्रावधान
Meaning:- the action of providing or supplying something for use.
Synonyms:- arrangement, plan, accouterment
Antonyms:- removal, taking
Example:- Granted; and provision is made for this in the new order of things.

Martyr (verb) शहीद
Meaning:- kill (someone) because of their beliefs.
Synonyms:- scapegoat, offering, saint
Example:- The martyr’s crown awaits them, for they display the martyr’s spirit.

Confederation (noun) महा संघ
Meaning:- an organization which consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league.
Synonyms:- alliance, association, bloc
Antonyms:- antagonism, disassociation, disorganization
Example:- Such was the state of things when the Confederation was adopted.

Treaty (noun) संधि
Meaning:- a formally concluded and ratified agreement between states.
Synonyms:- accord, alliance, arrangement
Antonyms:- antagonism, disagreement, discord
Example:- A treaty was framed, and at first rejected by the United States Senate.

Liberty (noun) स्वतंत्रता
Meaning:- the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behaviour, or political views.
Synonyms:- autarchy, authorization, autonomy
Antonyms:- denial, dependence, hold
Example:- What was said in the registrar’s office, Emma, or aren’t you at liberty to tell me?

Enactment (noun) कानून
Meaning:- the process of passing legislation.
Synonyms:- achievement, acting, depiction
Antonyms:- failure, neglect
Example:- Let our first enactment be directed against the robbing of temples.

Hoist (verb) फहराना
Meaning:- raise (something) by means of ropes and pulleys.
Synonyms:- erect, heave, pick up
Antonyms:- abandon, decrease, depress
Example:- It seemed to be ingenious, and proper to hoist great burdens.

Pledge (noun) प्रतिज्ञा
Meaning:- a solemn promise or undertaking.
Synonyms:- agreement, assurance, guarantee
Antonyms:- breach, break
Example:- Our pledge was not merely to do a patchwork job with secondhand materials.

Implicit (adjective) अंतर्निहित
Meaning:- suggested though not directly expressed.
Synonyms:- constant, contained, definite, implied
Antonyms:- disloyal, stated, untrustworthy
Example:- Great was his confidence, implicit, sublime, ineffably Irish.

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