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Improve Your English Vocabulary- Download PDF

Work on your Vocabulary during this lockdown- Prime Minister Narendra Modi has extended the lockdown till 3rd May 2020 in the wake of coronavirus. It is important time for all the students who are preparing for their banking exams to utilize this time effectively because once the situation will be under control, you might not get the time to work on your weaknesses. One of area where mostly people lack and struggle is the vocabulary.

English Language section consist of around 7-8 questions  based on vocabulary and it can only be improve if you work on it daily. Reading newspaper can serve this purpose for you very effectively, going through our daily vocab will also be helpful as we cover the vocab of some leading newspaper. In this article as well we are providing you with the consolidated PDF of vocabulary. 

Click Here to download Vocabulary PDF

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Daily Vocabulary Words- 1

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How to make the Maximum use of this PDF

1. Go through this PDF once and read all the words and their meanings.

2. Divide the words in group and each group shall consist 3 words. For ex- Fear, Vulnerable, Intelligent

3. Write these three words and draw column

Fear Vulnerable Intelligent

4. Try to Find the words having similar meaning like these words and write them down in the column.

Fear Vulnerable Intelligent
Terror in danger Clever
Fright at risk Bright
Horror endangered Brilliant
Panic unsafe Quick

5. Now, try to Use all the words  in different sentences like negative, positive. Try to use the antonym of the given word, synonym of the given word in sentences like-

  • I fear crocodiles.
  • Last night accident was a complete horror
  • Annabella is a horror movie.
  • World is in panic state right now.

This exercise will take time but will cover a lot of your vocabulary and will help you to do smart guessing when you get confuse between the two words. for your own convenience you can also draw the table on the basis of negative and positive meaning words. This is also a smart trick which will help you to guess the words in your exam.

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