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“Impossible is for the unwilling”, Says Amit Selected in SBI Clerk

ADDA247 in association with Career Power congratulates Amit for sailing through SBI Clerk exam. A huge number of candidates selected in SBI Clerk exam are from Career Power and ADDA247. It has been rightly said that, “A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials”.

Name: Amit Kumar Bhopariya
Designation: SBI Junior Associate (Batch)

I am AMIT KUMAR BHOPARIYA from Jaipur. I got selected in SBI Junior Associate 2019 exam. My education qualification is B.Sc. I started preparing for bank exams in 2016. Why I chose bank is because I heard a lot of guys telling me they are weak in English section.

As I am from English medium school I thought about advantage I have over these students. I worked hard and improved my English and Reasoning section.

Other than that, most important part is analysis. I analysed what will help in clearing this exam is you need two subjects strong enough and you need to score 80% and above in both with accuracy and you can choose what you want to study in other two (not counting computer because these days no questions are coming from this section).

What I suggest is concentrate on two subjects which are your strong point and score in them as maximum as possible plus analysis. Few words about analysis.

You need to analyse previous year papers like from what section and from what topics are questions coming from. Like in maths section almost 50% questions are from 3 topics i.e Data Interpretation, Number Series and Simplification. This is the sort of analysis you need to clear exams.

Thank you very much for reading this. Good luck to everyone!

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This is not the end of your journey, if you want to enhance your career in banking, you can consider preparing for JAIIB certification program conducted by Indian Institute of Banking and Finance. JAIIB test is taken by the banking institution to check the basic knowledge of banking.  For more details about JAIIB, click on the link below:

JAIIB exam pattern, and syllabus 

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