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Important Topics of Reasoning Ability for RBI Assistant Mains 2020

Reasoning Ability for RBI Assistant Mains 2020– Reserve Bank Of India Assistant Mains Examination is going to be held in the month of March,2020. The Five sections that will be asked in the examination are English Language, Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude, General awareness and Computer aptitude.

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Reasoning Section is the most important section of this examination and carries the total weight of 40 marks out the total 200marks.So, if you want to make sure that your name is in the selected list then you have to ace this section without a choice. Before starting to prepare for this section, it is very important to know the important topics of this section which can help you in acing this examination. So, In this post we will be discussing all the important topics that you must go through before going in the main exam hall.

Let’s have a look at the Important Reasoning Topic

Puzzles and Seating Arrangement

Puzzles and Seating arrangement is one of the most important topic of  Reasoning Section of any banking examination.  Seating Arrangements are of many types like: linear, circular, triangular, rectangular and sometimes hexagonal even, Floors, Tabular form, Blood Relations, etc. and multiple variables are involved to increase the difficulty level of the exam. You may also come across to two topics that are mixed with each other.


You can see this topic coming but in a twisted way. In mains exam we often see that syllogism questions are usually asked in different way. For ex- They will ask you to find out the statments and will give the conclusion. These questions are not difficult but they are lengthy in nature. But you can easily gain bonus marks by solving such type of questions.

Data Sufficiency

Data Sufficiecy is another important topic for RBI Assistant mains. Depending upon the difficulty level of the question, the given option of the questions are twisted. You can easily tackle such type of questions if you use the right approach.


The number of question that comes of Coding- Decoding are usually five. If the question set is difficult then these five questions can fetch you upto ten marks. So, make sure you go through all types of coding-decoding questions and excel in them.

Blood Relation

Blood relation is the favourite topic of the exam setters. These type of questions can come as it is or can be collaborated with other topic like seating arrangement to increase the difficulty level of the question.

Logical Reasoning

This is the most complex topic for many students because it is a blend of reasoning and english language. The type of questions that are asked in this section is of Cause-Effect, Action-Reaction, course of action, assumptions, and conclusions, strength of arguments, inference etc.


This is one topic which you must practice. It can fetch you extra marks needed for your selection. Both in Prelims and Mains it can give you those marks that needed for clearing the cut off or merit list.

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