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Important Topics for SBI PO 2021 Prelims Exam

The State Bank of India has already announced the SBI PO prelims exa m date on its official website along with the SBI PO prelims admit Card. The SBI PO prelims exam 2021 is scheduled to be held on 20th, 21st and 27th November 2021. As only few days are left for the examination, we hope that candidates are going well with their preparation. It is the time to speed up more with their preparation for the examination with the most important topics for the SBI PO 2021 prelims exam provided in the article below. It is very important for the candidates to know the important topics for the SBI PO 2021 prelims exam to enhance the final preparation.

SBI PO Prelims Admit Card 2021

Important Topics for SBI PO 2021 Prelims Exam

By knowing the important topic for the SBI PO 2021 prelims exam a candidate can enhance his/her final preparation. The SBI PO prelims exam 2021 consists of 3 sections which are English Langugae, Quantitatvie Aptiutde and Reasoning Ability. All the candidates who will qualify the SBI PO prelims exam 2021 will be eligible for the SBI PO Mains exam. In order to get the final seelection a candidate must have to qualify each stage of the recruitment that is prelims exam, mains examination and interview round. Candidates are advised to go through with all the important topics provided in the article below and revise well with these topics before appearing for the examination.

Important Topics for SBI PO 2021 Prelims Exam |_3.1

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Important Topics for SBI PO 2021 Prelims Exam: English Language

  • Reading Comprehension: It is one of the most important topic in the English Language for the SBI PO prelims exam 2021 which contains a total number of 7-10 questions. Candidates are advised to preapre and pracyice well for this topic as it carries a maxmimum weightage in the examination.
  • Cloze Test: The second most important topic in the english language setion is of cloze test from which 5-6 questions are asked in the examination.
  • Phrase Replacement: In this candidates will have to repalce the phrase with the best suitabel option and the questions asked from this topic are 5-6 questions
  • Fillers: Fillers asked in the SBI PO prelims exam will be 5-6. Candidates must have a good vocabulary as well to answer these questions.
  • Error Detection: To answer the error detecton question, candidates are advised to revise adn learn all the grammar rules properly and the number of questions asked from this topics are 4-5.
  • Para Jumble: Candidates need to arrange the sentence to form a meaningful paragraph. Hence, from this topic as well a total number of 5-6 questions are asked

Important Topics for SBI PO 2021 Prelims Exam: Numerical Ability

  • Number Series: A total number of 5-6 questions are asked from the number series topics. There will be 2 types of questions asked from this topic which are missing series and wrong series. Candidates are advised to practice both the types of series well in ordeer to solve the quyestion in minimum time.
  • Quadratic Equation: Same with the quadratic equation, a total number of 5-6 questions are asked from this topic which also requires a good practice.
  • Approximation: If a candidate have a fgood calculation speed, then it is very easy for them to solve the approximation questions in the examination with good accuracy.
  • Data Interpretation: The Data Interpretation questions asked in the examination can be of bar graph, pie chart or Tabular DI. Candidates required a good calculation speed and basic formulas and practice of the arithmatic as well.
  • Mathematical Inequality: A total number of 4-5 questions are asked from this topic
  • Data Sufficiency

Is SBI PO exam MCQ based?

Important Topics for SBI PO 2021 Prelims Exam: Reasoning Ability

  • Seating Arrangement and Puzzles: The seating arrangement and puzzles carries maximum weightage in the reasoning ability section. A total number of 15-20 questions are asked in the examination from this topic.
  • Inequality
  • Coding-Decoding: The SBI PO prelims exam consists of 5 questions of coding decoding in the examination.
  • Alphanumeric Series: Candidates will get series based on alphabets and will have to complete the same. From this topic candidates will get a total number of 2-3 questions.
  • Input-Output: Candidates are advise to practice well the questions of input output to save their time in the examination.
  • Data Sufficiency: This topic contains approximately 5 questions.

Preparation Tips for SBI PO Prelims exam 2021

  1. Do a lot of practice for quanititatove aptitude section and inprove the calculation speed.
  2. In english language section, vocabulary plays a very important role, so revise all the important voculary before appering for the examination.
  3. As only few days are left for the examination, candidate must practice with the previous year papers as well to know the exam difficulty level and the type of questions asked in the examination.
  4. Candidates are also advised to attempt the mock test and sectional tests available on our Adda247 app for imporving the speed and accuracy and recrtify the mistakes with a detailed analysis.

Although, every topic is equally important for the examination, but candidates are advised to proactice the topics which have a maximum weightage in the examination along with the other topics.

SBI PO Previous Year Question Paper With Solutions PDFs_70.1

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