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 Important Reasoning Topics For IBPS RRB PO Mains Exam 2021

 Important Reasoning Topics For IBPS RRB PO Mains Exam 2021 |_3.1

IBPS has declared the result of the RRB PO prelims exam, and the mains exam is scheduled to be held on 30 January 2021. The number of questions which will be asked in the examination comprises 40 questions. As we all know reasoning is quite a tricky section, but simultaneously it can be a scoring one if you get the right command on this section.

To prepare the reason for IBPS RRB Mains 2021, go through the detailed topics which are asked in the previous year’s paper, but as only a few days are left for the examinations, so we are here to help you in your preparations by providing you the important topics from the exam point of view so that you can score a good mark in this section.

As this portion contains 50% of the weightage, thus scoring good in this particular section, will increase the chances of getting good marks and getting selected in the examination.

Important topics from the exam point of view are :

  1. Puzzles – Seating arrangement/circular/direction-based/miscellaneous: Practice this part as much as you can, this will help you in scoring good marks with improving the speed and accuracy.
  2. Coding decoding
  3. Coded inequalities
  4. Syllogisms: For the preparation of this topic, clear the basics first and then give the daily mocks with the previous year’s questions as well.
  5. Double lineup
  6. Direction and distance
  7. Data sufficiency
  8. Blood relations
  9. Order and Ranking

The reasoning section required a lot of practice, once you are cleared with the concepts, try to practice the questions, give daily mocks and quizzes.

These are the topics that should be prioritized in this section that will help you in scoring well. Practice daily mocks and quizzes which are available on our app, which improves the speed and accuracy, as well, you will get the new pattern of question.

How to prepare for mains:

Firstly, understand the basic concepts and try to solve the question of the new pattern which is available on the adda247 app, designed according to the exam pattern.

As mentioned above as well, attempt sectional mocks, quizzes daily which are available on the adda247 app.

Practice the maximum number of questions of puzzles and seating arrangement questions as these are the maximum questions that are asked in the exams.

Practice the questions of the previous year, by which you will get an idea about the pattern of questions asked and which topic contains the maximum questions so that you can easily prepare accordingly.

Another aspect which helps in scoring good marks is time management, try not to spend much time on any question, instead move to the next question.

As well as speed and accuracy play an important role in securing good marks, and this can only be improved through more and more practice.

Give daily free quizzes which are available on our app topic wise, and try to practice through the test series which are designed by our experts.

Keep practicing with the Adda247 app!!.

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