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Important and Expected Topic for IBPS PO and Clerk 2020 Exam

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is conducting the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam on 5th,12th, and 13th December 2020 and the IBPS PO Prelims Exam on 5h and 6th Jan 2021. In this article, We are providing you the Important and Expected Topics for IBPS PO and Clerk 2020 Exam. Candidates who are appearing for the prelims exam of IBPS Clerk and IBPS PO can prepare these important topics and ensure scoring good marks in the examination.

Important and Expected Topic for IBPS PO and Clerk 2020 Exam_3.1

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Things to remember:

  • The exam level of clerical and PO differ with each other.
  • You can easily clear any clerical exam with the preparation of PO.
  • GA only comes in mains section of both these exams
  • The level of difficulty is same for GA in both the exams.
  • All the sections  can be prepare from the same source for both the exams
  • The strategy is also same to prepare for all these section to ace both the exams.
  • This is a generalize way of preparation, you can modify it as per your convenience.

Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude

This section will consist the same topics for prelims as well as for mains except the fact that the difficulty level will differ majorly in both the stages. While prelims is all about maintaining speed with accuracy, Mains is more about applying concept. The strategy to ace this section is to practice for both the stages simultaneously.

Reasoning Ability Important Topics:

  • Seating Arrangements
  • Puzzles
  • Inequalities
  • Syllogism
  • Input-Output
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Blood Relations
  • Order and Ranking
  • Alphanumeric Series
  • Distance and Direction
  • Verbal Reasoning

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Puzzle & Seating Arrangement– Given below are some do’s and don’t for students to attempt this topic.

  • For puzzles in prelims practice foundation to moderate level puzzle.
  • Do not try to attempt puzzle which is taking too long in mock tests.
  • Learn to leave a puzzle if you are unable to solve it in 2 minutes for prelims.
  • Puzzle and sitting arrangement are comes maximum in two variable so even when you are practicing, try to stick with the exam pattern.
  • For mains, the level increases tremendously, students should focus more on solving questions accurately than solving them fast.
  • In puzzle and seating arrangement, there can be n number of variables and any topic can be mixed with any other.
  • For ex- In IBPS PO 2019 Mains examination. Inequality was merged with Distance and direction.


Syllogism– For syllogism, the pattern we see in mains is different that from prelims. In mains examination generally a conclusions are given and students are expected to find out the statement from the options, from which these conclusions can be drawn which makes the question time-consuming while in prelims, simple and direct questions are asked. In SBI PO 2019 Prelims, there were syllogism questions based on Only If concept which was later on seen in SBI Clerk, IBPS PO and IBPS Clerk as well.

Inequality– This is one such topic which can easily give you those extra five marks. Students are  expected to choose the correct option depicting the correct relation between the two alphabets given in the question. This relation could be greater than, smaller than, greater than equal to, smaller than equal to and equal to. For mains,  to increase the difficulty level of these type of questions, these questions are either merged with coding-decoding or Direction sense. For eg- the relation mentioned above could be coded in a certain symbol. Other way is that a certain direction will tell the above said relation.

Coding-Decoding– Given below are some tips & tricks to solve coding-decoding questions for prelims and mains level:

  • For prelims, focus on basic coding-decoding type questions.
  • Generally, in prelims certain statements are coded in certain language and you have to figure it out and answer accordingly. Practice such type of questions as much as you can.
  • It become a bit difficult for mains level as this topic can be merged with another time consuming topic that is Input-Output.


Blood-Relation and Direction Sense– Given below are some tips & tricks to solve Blood relation and Direction Sense questions for prelims and mains level:

  • Practice the basic questions on both the topics for prelims.
  • In blood-relation, practice the picture questions more and family tree type questions.
  • For Direction sense, practice the moderate level basic questions.
  • For mains, the level of questions increase in these topic because you will see them merge with puzzles or seating arrangement.

New Pattern Questions– For both the stages, prelims and mains new pattern are generally doable questions and it is advised that after attempting all those question which you have practiced well, make sure to attempt them as well. analysis of IBPS Clerk Mains Examination 2019-20

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English Language

English Syllabus
Topics Expected Number of Questions
Reading Comprehension 10-15
Cloze Test 10
Fill in the blanks 0-5
Multiple meaning/error solving 0-5
Paragraph/Sentence Correction 5-10
Para Jumbles 5
Jumbled Sentences 5
Word Association/Vocabulary 5
Active/Passive Voice 1-5

Reading Comprehensions–Given below are some tips & tricks to solve Reading Comprehension questions for prelims and mains level:

  • For prelims, the entire passage will hardly take 4-5 minutes.
  • Only attempt reading comprehension first if you are really good at it
  • Topics from areas like: Politics, Environment, Ecology, Science & Technology are asked.
  • Give mock test and understand which area of topics you are good in or which area require more practice.
  • For mains, the level increases as the passage becomes lengthy and complicated in terms of language.

Error detection– Be it prelims or mains this topic entirely focus on  grammatical rules. Practice is the key to ace this section. The only difference that you will see in both the stages will the length of question. While in prelims the questions are single line. In mains error detection can be in passage format as well. Key is to grasp the commonly asked formulas and work on them.

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Para Jumbles– Given below are some tips & tricks to solve Para Jumbles  questions for prelims and mains level:

  • For Prelims, practice simple para jumble questions.
  • Attempt them first if you know the trick
  • For mains, you can come across to question in this topic where you have to first arrange the statement itself and then rearrange the statements in correct order.

Match the Following- These type of questions asked in this topic areIdiom and phrases type questions, connect the sentences with no grammatical error type etc and they are usually ask in mains only rather than in prelims.

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Quantitative Aptitude

Topics Expected Number of Questions
Simplification 5
Ratio & Proportion, Percentage 3
Number System 3
Profit & Loss 2
Mixtures & Allegations 1-2
Simple Interest & Compound Interest 1-2
Work & Time 2
Time & Distance 2
Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere 1-2
Permutation, Combination & Probability 5
Data Interpretation 15
Sequence & Series

Data Interpretation- Given below are some tips & tricks to solve Data Interpretation for prelims and mains level:

  • In general, Data Interpretations are all based on arithmetic topics. Be it time and work, Probability.
  • This is one   topic which becomes a source of an experiment for the examiner to increase the difficulty level of the exam.
  • For mains, there is a  combination of different types of graph for example- Line graph with Bar graph and students would have to interpret information accordingly.
  • Then you may also come across to  mixed DI which can be challenging and time-consuming but you need not worry as it is not required that students should attempt all 5 questions of the DI set;  choose the ones you find easy and doable and attempt those questions.

Different Types of Data Interpretation You Need to Prepare for SBI & IBPS Exams 2020 | Part-2

Data Sufficiency- This topic also requires  a good grasp of arithmetic topics. For prelims, there are two statements that you are supposed to solve while In mains examination, examiner  increase the number of statement through which you can extract the data and answer the question.

Quadratic Equation– This topic carries 5 marks and comes in prelims level only. This topic is hardly seen in mains examination but this doesn’t mean that it cannot. These are simple quadratic equation which a students are suppose to solve and find the relation between X and Y variable.

Quantity based- Earlier they were only asked in mains but we have seen in many prelims exam as well that this topic is often asked in prelims as well. This topic is  based on the principal of Quadratic equation but again it is  arithmetic oriented. Hence, if you want to make sure that you excel in these types of questions then practice a lot of arithmetic questions. These questions can be a combination of different arithmetic topics.

Number Series- We often see this topic in prelims and hardly any question is asked in mains but in IBPS Clerk 2019 as well as in IBPS PO 2019 this topic was asked in mains examination. So make sure you practice all level of number series question in order to excel in it.

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General Awareness

Syllabus of General Awareness

  •    Current Affairs
  •    Indian History
  •    Banking Awareness
  •    RBI Based Questions
  •    Agriculture
  •    Award
  •    Books with Author
  •    Politics
  •    Indian Constitution Related Questions
  •    Finance and Insurance
  •    Sports
  •    Indian Economy Questions
  •    Budget and Taxes
  •    Government Schemes
  •    Countries / currencies
  • Some topics of Static GK

Given below is the tips and tricks to ace General Awareness section:

  • Based on the latest trend, Current affairs is one topic that mainly dominates this section.
  • Reading newspaper along with the Daily GK Update on Bankersadda will surely help you to ace this section.
  • Current affair topics like countries whose head are either visited our nation or have organized any important event in their country.
  • All the National park in news should be well read which were in news for what so ever reason.
  • Learn the names of all the newly appointed chief ministers and the governor.
  • Read Economic Times to cover all the important news related to Indian economy.
  • Don’t miss the Banking and Financial Awareness part as well linked with current affairs as it will sail through this recruitment process.

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