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IIBF CEO’s Message of Revised Syllabi of JAIIB/DB&F/SOB/CAIIB

IIBF CEO’s Message of Revised Syllabi of JAIIB/DBF/SOB/CAIIB: The Indian Institute of Banking and Finance(IIBF) has introduced changes in the JAIIB/DBF/SOB/CAIIB Syllabus which is going to be implemented from May/June 2023 Examination. The primary objective of the Revised Syllabus of JAIIB/DBF/SOB/CAIIB is to reorganize the syllabus according to the recently made changes, align it with the requirements, and help the candidates to achieve an intense knowledge regarding the challenges faced by the banking and finance industry. At present, the banking and finance industry requires skilled and competent employees to face the challenges. The Revised Syllabus of JAIIB/DBF/SOB/CAIIB is being appreciated by some of the employees whereas some are also trolling it. In this article, we have provided the important points that were covered in the message of the IIBF CEO on the Revised Syllabus of JAIIB/DBF/SOB/CAIIB.

The Message of IIBF CEO on Revised Syllabus of JAIIB/DBF/SOB/CAIIB

The message of CEO of IIBF(Indian Institute of Banking and Finance) imparted a message on the Revised Syllabus of JAIIB/DBF/SOB/CAIIB. A high level Syllabus Revision Committee that consisted representatives of various banks examined all the aspects and then recommended the revision in the syllabus of JAIIB/DBF/SOB/CAIIB. The main highlights of the message given by the IIBF CEO are:

  • There will be 4 compulsory subjects under JAIIB and 4 compulsory papers & one elective paper under CAIIB. 
  • The examination pattern of all the flagship courses under the revised syllabus will be in the MCQ format.
  • The negative marking concept has been introduced to forbade the aspirants from guessing and selecting the options randomly.
  • A new pattern of questions will be seen from the May/June 2023 examination and these will be to examine the conceptual and analytical skills of the candidates.
  • The main aim to introduce the revised syllabus is that an aspirant who qualifies CAIIB Examination will possess different abilities than those who have not passed the examination.
  • The knowledge achieved through qualifying these exams will be beneficial in the professional journey of the candidates.
  • For each of the subjects according to the revised syllabus the IIBF will publish a detailed book. The books will be available before the May/June 2023 Examinations.

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