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IDBI Bank Executive Preparation Strategy 2022, How To Score Better Marks

IDBI Bank Executive Preparation Strategy 2022: The Industrial Development Bank of India is one of the renowned private sector banks which is going to conduct the online written examination for the post of IDBI executive on 9th July 2022. This year IDBI has announced a new exam pattern for IDBI executive therefore it is very necessary to prepare according to the new syllabus and exam pattern. In this post, we are going to share with you an IDBI Bank Executive Preparation Strategy 2022 so that you can plan your preparation in a very organized manner and cover the complete syllabus before the exam.

IDBI Bank Executive Preparation Strategy 2022

Let us first discuss the IDBI Bank Executive new exam pattern then we will move towards the IDBI Bank Executive Preparation Strategy 2022. In this year’s exam there will be 4 sections i.e. Logical Reasoning, Data Analysis and Interpretation, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, General/Economy/Banking Awareness/Computer/IT with a total number of 200 questions and a composite time of 2 hours will be given. Keep reading this article to read subject wise IDBI Bank Executive Preparation Strategy.

Logical Reasoning, Data Analysis and Interpretation

In this section 60 questions will be asked with a weightage of 60 marks. To score good marks in this section, candidates will be required to do practice of questions from all the topics which are given below. So if we count from today onwards you have around 34 days to prepare for this exam so you need to manage your time wisely in order to crack this exam. We are giving you 30 days plan for the reasoning section in which yo will be covering all the topics of the given section.

Number of Days Name of The Topic
Day 1 Alpha Numeric Series
Day 2 Order & Ranking
Day 3 Direction & distance
Day 4 Coding decoding
Day 5 Inequality
Day 6 Input Output
Day 7 Seating arrangement
Day 8 Puzzles
Day 9 Data sufficiency
Day 10 Decision making
Day 11 Cause and effect
Day 12 Course of action
Day 13 Statement of assumptions
Day 14 Strength of argument
Day 15 Statement & Conclusion
Day 16 Inference from passage
Day 17-30 Give Mock Test and revise all the topics

Data Analysis& Interpretation: The only key that the candidates must follow is accuracy and speed. Rather than keeping a mindset of attempting maximum number of questions, candidates must focus on their accuracy while solving the questions from the data analysis and interpretation section. Candidates must refer the previous years question papers to get familiar with the types of questions that are asked from this section.

Quantitative Aptitude

In the quantitative aptitude section candidates can attempt maximum question with accuracy if they have their concepts clear. 40 questions will be asked from this section with a weightage of 40 marks.

Number of Days Name of The Topic
Day 1 Number system
Day 2 Simplification & approximation
Day 3 Percentage
Day 4 Ratio & proportion
Day 5 Average
Day 6 Age
Day 7 Profit & loss
Day 8 Simple interest & compound interest
Day 9 Time & work
Day 10 Pipes & cistern
Day 11 Speed time & distance
Day 12 Boat & stream
Day 13 Mixture & allegation
Day 14 Mensuration
Day 15 Permutation & combination
Day 16 Data interpretation
Day 17 Inequality
Day 18 Number series
Day 19-30 Give Mock tests and revise


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English Language

In the IDBI Bank Executive preparation strategy 2022, now check the topics to be prepared on every single day. In the english language section 40 questions will be asked and their weightage of marks will also be 40.

Number of Days Name of The Topic
Day 1 Tenses
Day 2 Voices
Day 3 Narrations
Day 4 Subject verb agreement
Day 5 Articles
Day 6 Noun
Day 7 Pronoun
Day 8 Adjectives
Day 9 Verb
Day 10 Adverb
Day 11 Preposition
Day 12 Conjunction
Day 13 Conditional sentences
Day 14 Reading Comprehension – 2 RC
Day 15 2RC And Cloze test
Day 16 2RC And Fillers
Day 17 2RC And Cloze test
Day 18 2RC And Fillers
Day 19 2RC And Starter
Day 20 Error detection And Starter
Day 21-30 Give Mock tests and practice error detection, sentence improvement and Cloze test

General/Economy/Banking Awareness/Computer/IT

This is one of the most important section of the IDBI Executive online written exam as 60 questions will be there from this section. Candidates can’t use the guess work here as there is also a negative marking of 0.25 marks therefore it must be prepared seriously.

General/Economy/Banking Awareness: For this section, candidates are required to be aware of general concerns like the economy, banking, political, etc. candidates can ensure scoring good marks in the section by reading daily newspapers and by improving Their General awareness. Another way to do so, is by connecting with the Adda247 “Daily GK Update” available in both Hindi and English languages. Candidates can also read and learn from the monthly capsules provided by BankersAdda for both current affairs as well as banking awareness.

IDBI Bank Executive Preparation Strategy 2022, How To Score Better Marks in Hindi


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FAQs: IDBI Bank Executive Preparation Strategy 2022

Q.1 What is the IDBI Bank Executive preparation strategy 2022?
Ans The IDBI Bank Executive preparation strategy 2022 is given section wise above

Q.2 How can I prepare for IDBI Executive?
Ans You can prepare for IDBI Executive by following the IDBI Bank Executive preparation strategy 2022 given above in article.

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Q.1 What is the IDBI Bank Executive preparation strategy 2022?

Ans The IDBI Bank Executive preparation strategy 2022 is given section wise above

Q.2 How can I prepare for IDBI Executive?

Ans You can prepare for IDBI Executive by following the IDBI Bank Executive preparation strategy 2022 given above in article.