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IBPS SO 2019: Prepare For Professional Knowledge Test

IBPS released IBPS SO Official Notification on November 5, 2019 to recruit 1163 candidates for the post of Specialist Officer (SO) in various Public Sector Banks. This came out to be a golden opportunity for all the aspirants who want to work in their own field of study like Information Technology, Marketing, Agriculture, HR, Law etc. The Specialist Officers coordinate with other bank official to ensure systematic delivery of banking & financial service.

IBPS SO 2019: Prepare For Professional Knowledge Test_3.1

With huge competition, it is not going to be easy. IBPS SO Prelims Exam is to be held on 28th and 29th December 2019 while the IBPS SO Mains Exam is to be held on 25th January 2020. Also, the structure of IBPS SO Exam is very different as compared to other examination. This article is dedicated to help you with Professional Knowledge Test for IBPS SO Exam.

IBPS SO is a three stage exam comprising Prelims, Mains and Interview. For more details we are providing you with the IBPS SO Exam Pattern for both prelims as well as mains.

IBPS SO 2019 Prelims Exam Pattern

The preliminary exam of IBPS SO is of 125 marks in 120 minutes time duration. IBPS SO prelims exam is not common for all the post but the timings and maximum is the same. Also, there is a sectional cut-off in IBPS SO Exam. Here is the post-wise prelims pattern of IBPS SO 2019.

  • For the post of Law Officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari:
No. Name of Tests No. of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of Exam Duration
1 English Language 50 25 English 40 minutes
2 Reasoning 50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes
3 General Awareness with Special Reference to Banking Industry 50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes
Total 150 125 120 minutes

  • For the post of IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer:
Sr. No. Name of Tests No. of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of Exam Duration
1 English Language 50 25 English 40 minutes
2 Reasoning 50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes
3 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 English and Hindi 40 minutes
Total 150 125 120 minutes

IBPS SO 2019 Mains Exam Pattern

The mains examination of IBPS SO demands professional knowledge of their respective fields. Here is a pattern for the same.

  • For the post of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer and Marketing Officer:
Sr. No. Name of Tests No. of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of Exam Duration
1 Professional Knowledge 60 60 English and Hindi 45 minutes

  • For the post of Rajbhasha Adhikari:
Sr. No. Name of Tests No. of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of Exam Duration
1 Professional Knowledge (Objective) 45 60 English and Hindi 30 minutes
2 Professional Knowledge (Descriptive) 2 English and Hindi 30 minutes

There is a penalty of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer in both preliminary as well as mains exam. However, there is no penalty for unattempted questions.

IBPS SO Prepartion Tips For Professional Knowledge

General Tips

The professional knowledge is tested in the IBPS SO Mains Exam. What is needed to ace this section is thorough strategy. Here are some IBPS SO Preparation Tips:

Simulatenous Preparation: Mains Exam is held withing a month of the IBPS SO Prelims Exam. So, it is important for an aspirant to prepare themselves prior to the end of IBPS SO Prelims Exam. Also, The professional knowledge test demands your greater attenstion as well. So, start your preparation from today onwards.

Syllabus and Exam Pattern: Go through the IBPS SO Mains syllabus and exam pattern so that you don’t miss on anything. This will help you nin understanding the nature of the exam.

Previous Year’s Paper: After going through the exam pattern and syllabus, the foremost important thing is the IBPS SO Previous Year’s Paper. Go through the Previous Year Paper religiously so that you do can have a proper insight of the exam.

Time table: Plan a strategy and with prelims exam, practice for mains exam as well beacuse after prelims exam, less than a month will be left for IBPS SO Mains Exam. So, plan a strategy that helps you to get through all the stages.

Revise: Revise whatever you read and do not skip this drill as it is easy to forget but hard to remember every small facts.

Mock test: Mock test will act as you real mentor here. Practice will develop your skills more efficiently. So, try to solve as many mocks as possible.

Post-Wise Important Topics to be covered for IBPS SO Mains Examination

The important topics for IBPS SO Mains examination are as under:

IT Officer (Scale-I): 

The important topics are as follows:

1. Database Management System

2. Data Communication and Network

3. Operating System

4. Data Structure

5. Software Engineering

6. Computer Organization and Microprocessor

7. Object Oriented Programming

Agriculture Field Officer (Scale-I)

The important topics are as follows:

1. Basics of Crop Production

2. Horticulture

3. Seed Science

4. Agronomy and Irrigation

5. Agricultural Economies

6. Agricultural Practices

7. Soil Resources

8. Animal Husbandry

9. Agroforestry

10. Ecology

11. Government Schemes

Marketing Officer(Scale-I)

The important topics are as follows:

1. Basics of Marketing Management

2. Brand Management

3. Advertising

4. PR

5. Sales

6. Retail

7. Business Ethics

8. Market Segmentation

9. Product Lifecycle

10. Market Research and forecasting demand

11. Corporate Social Responsibility

12. Service Marketing

13. Marketing Strategies

Law Officer Scale-I

The important topics are as follows:

1. Banking Regulations

2. Compliance and Legal Aspects

3. Relevant Law and Orders related to negotiable instruments, Securities, foreign exchanges

4. Prevention of Money laundering, Limitation Act

5. Consumer Protection


7. Banking Ombudsman Scheme

8. Laws and Actions with direct link to Banking Sector

9. Bankers Book Evidence Act

10. DRT Act

HR/Personnel Officer Scale-I

The important topics are as follows:

1. Human Resource and Development

2. Business Policy and Strategic Analysis

3. Transnational Analysis

4. Training and Development

5. Recruitment and Selection

6. Rewards and Recognition

7. Industrial Relations

8. Grievance and Conflict Management

9. Performance Management and Appraisal

Rajsabha Adhikari Scale-I

The important topics are as follows:

1. Banking Regulations Passages

2. Synonyms-Antonyms

3. Cloze Test

4. Fill in the Blanks

5. Practical Translations

6. Hindi/English Grammar

All the best!

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IBPS SO 2019: Prepare For Professional Knowledge Test_4.1

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