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IBPS SO Marketing Officer: Professional Knowledge Syllabus 2020

IBPS SO 2020:The Institute of Banking Personnel and Selection has opened the application window for IBPS SO 2020. The aspirants who are willing to apply for this shall visit the official site of IBPS as the online registration window for IBPS SO 2020 is currently opened and it will be opened till 23 November 2020. The candidates who are willing to appear for the IBPS SO exam must have started their preparations by now.  The first step for the preparation of any banking exam is to know the syllabus thoroughly in detail. So in this article, we will be discussing the detailed syllabus for IBPSSO for the post of marketing officer.

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IBPS SO Marketing officer

If the candidates wish to apply for a marketing officer post then they should know that there will be 60 questions for an account of 60 marks in the professional knowledge section. Before they proceed to start their preparations they should know about what topics they are supposed to cover to AS in the IBP SSO exam 2020. The detailed syllabus for the same is mentioned below.

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IBPS SO Marketing officer Exam Pattern

Below is the Exam Pattern for IBPS SO Mains for the post of Marketing Officer.

Name of Test Number of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of Exam Duration
Professional Knowledge 60 60 English & Hindi 45 minutes

Syllabus for IBPS SO marketing officer

The recruitment for IBPS SO marketing officer consists of three rounds – prelims, mains, and interview and there is only one set of a test of professional knowledge for which aspirants will be given 45 minutes to solve 60 questions of 60 marks. The candidates are usually confused about the syllabus for professional knowledge so let us discuss in detail the syllabus for professional knowledge that the candidates must prepare before appearing for the mains exam. marketing officer consists of three rounds – prelims, mains, and interview and there is only one set of a test of professional knowledge for which aspirants will be given 45 minutes to solve 60 questions of 60 marks. The candidates are usually confused about the syllabus for professional knowledge so let us discuss in detail the syllabus for professional knowledge that the candidates must prepare before appearing for the mains exam.

Syllabus: Professional Knowledge

Following are the topics that aspirants should study thoroughly in order to complete the the IBPS SO Mains Syllabus fully:

  1. Basics Of Marketing Management-Introduction to marketing; concepts, marketing environment; segmentation, targeting & positioning, marketing mix (4Ps, 7Ps, etc.), Marketing Research, PLC, New product development process, pricing, pricing methods, promotion basics, promotion methods & strategies, Demand forecasting.
  2. Brand management -Introduction to brands and brand management, brand research and brand equity, branding for different product categories, branding & differentiation, brand image, brand element and brand association, Brand equity measurement, competitive analysis, brand positioning, brand hierarchies, CBBE (Customer-based brand equity), Branding & IMC, branding and marketing mix, branding and product mix, brand attributes, branding and segmentation, brand strategies, brand image and awareness, brand equity systems, brand value, brand extensions. 
  3. SalesPersonal Selling, selling processes, types of the sales organization, Sales forecasting, sales strategies, sales force incentive plans, sales promotion, and its objectives, sales monitoring, sales reporting, motivating the sales force, advertising, PR.
  4. Retail business Retail marketing and retail management, strategic retail marketing, retail marketing mix, CRM and retail marketing, CBB & retail marketing, Retail location, retail store operations, retail organizations & structure, SCM, Retail pricing and promotional pricing, retail branding strategies, store & non-store brands, merchandising and warehousing, global retailing, modern trade and new trends in retailing.
  5. Service marketing-Services, nature, service product & pricing, service positioning, CRM and services, CBB and services marketing, promoting & services, MIS, service processes, service distribution, employees (people) and services marketing, Customer relationship management (CRM), internet marketing, Social Media Optimisation (SMO), Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
  6. Marketing strategies
  7. Advertising
  8. PR
  9. Marketing Segmentation
  10. Market research and forecasting demand
  11. Product Life Cycle
  12. Corporate social responsibility
  13. Business Ethics

The IBPS SO Syllabus is generally at the standard of an average graduation degree. candidates along with relevant books should practice thesee topics while appearing for the online mock tests. this will not only enhance the aspirantss’ performances but also while analysing their own performance they can corect the silly mistakes. this will increase the candidate’s chances of scoring maximum in the IBPS Mains exam for the post of marketing officer.

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