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IBPS SO Expected Cut Off 2024, Check Category wise Cut Off Marks

With the IBPS Specialist Officer (SO) exam held on 09 November 2024, candidates are now eagerly anticipating the expected cut-off scores. The cut-off marks for IBPS SO are crucial for determining the minimum qualifying marks required to move forward in the recruitment process. Based on the feedback and analysis of the exam, we have provided the IBPS SO Expected Cut-Off for 2024, taking into account the exam’s difficulty level, candidate performance and previous years’ trends.

IBPS SO Expected Cut Off 2024

The IBPS SO cut-off is the minimum score that candidates must achieve to be eligible for the next stage of the selection process. The IBPS SO exam includes multiple posts such as IT Officer, HR/Personnel Officer, Marketing Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, Law Officer, and Rajbhasha Adhikari. Each role has its own cut-off due to the varied nature of the positions and the specific requirements for each.

IBPS SO Prelims Expected Cut Off 2024

The IBPS SO Expected Cut Off 2024 will play a key role in determining which candidates proceed to the Mains stage. While the exact cut off will only be available when IBPS releases the result and scorecard, the anticipated ranges provide a valuable benchmark. Candidates are encouraged to review their performance, compare it with the expected cut-off, and prepare thoroughly for the next stage if they’re advancing.

IBPS SO Expected Cut Off 2024
Post General EWS OBC SC ST
IT Officer 52-56 47-51 52-56 50-54 40-44
Agriculture Field Officer (AFO) 34-38 34-38 34-38 34-38 32-36
Law Officer 33-37 29-33 30-34 29-33 33-37
Marketing Officer 18-22 17-21 7-11 8-12 7-11
HR/Personnel Officer 37-41 37-41 37-41 37-41 37-41
Rajbhasha Adhikari 10-14 10-14 10-14 10-14 06-10

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Factors Influencing IBPS SO Expected Cut Off 2024

Several factors influence the expected cut-off marks for the IBPS SO exam. Here are the primary factors:

  • Number of Vacancies: An increase or decrease in vacancies directly impacts the cut-off. More vacancies generally result in a lower cut-off, whereas fewer vacancies may lead to a higher cut-off.
  • Exam Difficulty Level: The difficulty level of the exam is a crucial factor. If the paper is challenging, the cut-off tends to be lower, whereas an easier exam usually results in a higher cut-off. For 2024, feedback suggests a moderate level of difficulty.
  • Previous Year Cut-Off Trends: Exam trends from previous years often provide a baseline for estimating cut-off marks. Although each year can vary, understanding historical cut-offs helps in setting expectations for 2024.
  • Candidate Performance: The performance of the candidates as a whole impacts the cut-off. Higher overall scores among candidates can push the cut-off upward, while lower scores tend to reduce it.
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What factors influence the IBPS SO Expected Cut Off?

Factors include the number of vacancies, exam difficulty, candidate performance, and previous year trends. Higher competition or an easier exam may lead to a higher cut-off.

Will there be separate cut-offs for each section in the IBPS SO exam?

Yes, IBPS SO has sectional cut-offs for different subjects like Reasoning, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Professional Knowledge.

When will the IBPS SO Cut Off 2024 be released?

The official cut-off for IBPS SO Prelims 2024 is anticipated to be released by late November or early December, after the results are announced.

What is the IBPS SO Exam Date 2024?

The IBPS SO Prelims Exam Date 2024 is 09 November 2024.