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IBPS SO 2019: Detailed Rajbhasha Adhikari Syllabus

IBPS SO Prelims exam is scheduled to be held on December 2019. With the release of the official notification, candidates who have good command over Rajbhasha have the great opportunity to grab as a specialist officer in various public sector banks. Candidates with required eligibility criteria can fill up the application form. The mentioned post is split into three phases, Preliminary exam, mains exam and interview. The preliminary exam is free from the quantitative aptitude section but students will have to prepare for general awareness instead. Check the detailes IBPS SO rajbhahsa adhikari syllabus.

Following is the IBPS SO Mains exam pattern and syllabus for Rajbhasha Adhikari

Name of Sections Total No. of Questions Total Marks Duration
Professional Knowledge (Objective) 45  60 30 Minutes
Professional Knowledge (Descriptive) 2 30 Minutes
  1. 2 Passages (गद्यांश हिंदी में)
  2. रिक्त स्थान भरना (Fill in the blanks): यह प्रश्न साधारण हिंदी व्याकरण से सबंधित होते हैं.
  3. Translation (sentence, words)-  English to Hindi and Hindi to English
  4. CLOSE TEST (हिंदी में)
  5. Practical Translation से संबंधित प्रश्न, जैसे एक प्रश्न में एक वाक्य दिया है उसमें एक शब्द की जगह, उपयुक्त शब्द का चयन करना आदि। (यह प्रश्न वाक्य त्रुटी, शब्द त्रुटी या वर्तनी त्रुटी के अंतर्गत आते हैं)
  6. समानार्थक और विलोम शब्द (Synonyms and Antonyms) यह प्रश्न मुख्यत: आधिकारिक(कार्यालयी) हिंदी से सम्बन्धित होते हैं. इस भाग में राजभाषा हिन्दी के प्रारूप, इसके गठन, इसके अधिनियम से सम्बन्धित प्रश्न भी हो सकते हैं
  • इस परीक्षा में हिंदी व्याकरण पर अधिक प्रश्न नहीं आते लेकिन परीक्षा का प्रारूप बदलता रहता है इसलिए व्याकरण के प्रश्न अधिक भी पूछे जा सकते हैं|
Important Links:

geGenerDescriptive Test of Professional Knowledge for Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale-I):

The descriptive writing test will be conducted online. There will be 2 questions related to English to Hindi and Hindi to English Translation of given sets of passages.

Rajbhasha Adhikari Salary and Growth Profile: Every student pursue their dream because of one thing which is money and security. Due to handsome salary package, IBPS SO attracts a number of aspirants every year to be recruited under different post. Check the IBPS SO Salary and and growth profile, if you are among the strugglers.

Allowance Amount
Dearness Allowance (DA) INR 8607 (approx)
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 7% -9% of Salary (Depending on the place of position)
Special Allowance 7.75% of Basic Salary
City Compensatory Allowances (CCA) 3-4% (approx)(Depending on the place of position)

Generally the in hand salary of a person depends upon the place of posting and the area. But the salary of specialist officer under Rajbhasha Adhikari post ranges between 29000-34000 (approx).

So students, we hope you have already applied for the IBPS SO rajbhasha adhikari post as today is the last date to apply. Make sure you start your preparation in the right way and may success touches your feet soon. All the best!

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