IBPS RRB Quantitative Aptitude Quiz
Q1. There are four filling pipes and two emptying pipes. The ratio of efficiency of filling pipe to emptying pipe is 5 : 3. All the pipes, (filling & emptying) are opened simultaneously, and a tank of capacity 3500 liters is filled in 25 hrs. In what time emptying pipes can empty the filled tank ?
Q2. Two taps A and B can fill a tank in 16 hr. and 24 hr. respectively. They started filling the tank together but due to a leak in the bottom it takes 2.4 hrs. more than original time. Find in what time leak can empty the filled tank completely?
Q3. Efficiency of a filling tap P is 33⅓% more than that of another filling tap Q. If both are opened simultaneously, a tank of capacity 189 li. can be filled in 9min. Then in what time tap P can fill the tank alone? (approximately)
Q4. Two taps X and Y can deliver water to a dam at the rate of 40 lit/min and 60 lit/min. respectively. If capacity of dam is 24000 li then what part of dam will remain empty after one hour of starting of both taps?
Q5. Three pipes A, b and C can fill a cistern in 12 hr. 16 hr. and 20 hr. respectively. All the pipes are opened together and after working two hours pipes B and C are closed. Find time taken by pipe A to fill the remaining part of cistern.
Q6. Two pipes P and Q can fill a cistern in 18 min. and 24 min. respectively. They start filling together and after 6 min. Pipe Q gets closed. In how much time the whole tank will be filled ?
Q7. Two pipes P and Q can fill a cistern in 12 and 15 minutes respectively. If both are opened together and at the end of 3 minutes, the P is closed, find the total time in which cistern will be filled?
Q8. A tank is filled in 5 hours when three pipes A, B and C are opened together. The pipe C is twice as fast as B and B is twice as fast as A. How much time will pipe A alone take to fill the tank?
Q9. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 15 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. All three pipes started to fill the tank at same time. The pipe C is closed 6 minutes before the tank is filled. In what time the tank will be full?
Q10. Outlet Pipe A can empty a tank in 15 hr and another inlet pipe B can fill the same tank in 10 hr and third inlet pipe C can fill the water at the rate of 60 ltr/ hr. All the pipe opened together then the tank fill in 6 hr. Find the capacity of tank ?
Q11. Three pipes A, B and C can fill together a tank in 6 hours. After working together for 2 hours, C is closed, and A and B can fill the remaining part in 7 hours. The number of hours taken by C alone to fill the tank is:
Directions (12-15): What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series ?
Q12. 64, 128, 92, 220, 148, 404, ?
Q13. 156, 468, 780, ? , 1404, 1716
Q14. 172, 283, ? , 838, 1282, 1837
Q15. 8, 12, ? , 88, 356, 1784
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