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IBPS RRB Preparation Tips, Check Strategy For Clerk and PO

Cracking exams become easier with proper strategy and timely preparation. The same applies to the IBPS RRB Exam Preparation for Clerk, PO, Officer scale 2 and 3. This is the reason we are going to provide you the Toppers Strategy to crack the exam this year.

IBPS RRB Preparation Strategy

Every aspirant requires a concrete strategy to crack the exam. Based on the expert views, following are the pointers included in IBPS RRB 2024 Exam Preparation Strategy.

  • Understand Exam Pattern and Syllabus: Know the structure and topics.
  • Create a Study Plan: Your study plan must include all the subjects.
  • Focus on Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify and work on weak areas.
  • Practice Regularly: This is the most important activity of the day. This alone can get you selection in IBPS RRB 2024.
  • Revise Thoroughly: Regularly revisions keep your preparation on track.
  • Include Current Affairs in Daily Plan: This way you will not feel the pressure at once after the release of Prelims Result.
  • Keep Your Mind Healthy: Eat well, sleep enough, and take breaks and most importantly, Avoid Chaos.

Also Check, IBPS RRB PO Mains Score Card 2024

IBPS RRB Clerk Preparation Strategy

The preparation strategy for IBPS RRB Clerk (Office Assistant) includes the following points.

  • Focus on Speed and Accuracy: Practice solving questions quickly and accurately.
  • Strengthen Basics: Ensure a strong foundation in Reasoning and Numerical Ability.
  • Daily Practice: Regularly practice reasoning puzzles and numerical problems.
  • Improve Language Skills: Enhance grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.
  • Regular Mock Tests: Simulate exam conditions and analyze performance.
  • General Awareness Preparation: Keep updated with current affairs and banking news.

IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2024, 6th October 2024 Shift 1
IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2024, 6th October 2024 Shift 2 


IBPS RRB PO Preparation Strategy

The preparation strategy for IBPS RRB PO (Officer Scale 1) includes the following points.

  • Advanced Preparation: Practice high-level questions in Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning.
  • In-depth General Awareness: Stay informed about banking, finance, and current affairs.
  • Develop Leadership Skills: Engage in discussions and read about leadership.
  • Improve Communication Skills: Practice writing and speaking in English.
  • Time Management: Practice efficient time management during exams.
  • Regular Mock Tests and Analysis: Focus on analyzing mistakes and improving.

IBPS RRB 2024 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

IBPS RRB Exam Pattern and Syllabus must be known to the candidates preparing for the said exam. Preparing according to the syllabus ensures that all the topics are covered for the Prelims and Main Exam.

IBPS RRB PO Exam Pattern

There shall be a Negative Marking of  0.25 marks for every answer marked wrong

IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam Pattern
Sections No. of Qs. Max. Marks Duration
Reasoning 40 40 25 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 40 40 20 minutes
Total 80 80 45 minutes

IBPS RRB PO Mains Exam consists of 5 sections with a total of 200 questions for a maximum of 200 marks.

IBPS RRB PO Mains Exam Pattern
Section No. of Qs. Max. Marks Duration
Reasoning Ability 40 50 30 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 40 50 30 minutes
General Awareness 40 40 15 minutes
English/Hindi Language* 40 40 30 minutes
Computer Knowledge 40 20 15 minutes
Total 200 200 120 minutes

Candidates have to choose one section between English and Hindi

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Pattern

The IBPS RRB Clerk exam has two stages- Prelims, and Mains. The detailed exam pattern for both phases has been discussed here.

IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 
Section No. of Qs. Max. Marks Time Duration
Reasoning 40 40 25 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 40 40 20 minutes
Total 80 80 45 minutes

In the IBPS RRB Clerk mains exam candidates will have to solve 200 questions. There will be 5 sections and from each section 40 questions will be asked.

IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Pattern 
Section No. of Qs. Max. Marks Duration
Reasoning Ability 40 50 30 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 40 50 30 minutes
General Awareness 40 40 15 minutes
English/Hindi Language 40 40 30 minutes
Computer Knowledge 40 20 15 minutes
Total 200 200 120 minutes

IBPS RRB Syllabus 2024

Before starting the preparation aspirants must get acquainted with the IBPS RRB Syllabus for Clerk, PO, SO, etc. Following the syllabus shall ensure that you won’t leave the topic or section. The different posts have different syllabi which are divided into the following sections Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English/Hindi, Financial/ General Awareness and Computer Knowledge.

IBPS RRB Syllabus 2024
Section Topics
Reasoning Ability Direction / Coded-Direction
Blood Relation / Coded-Blood-Relation
Inequality / Coded Inequality
Coding-Decoding (General + Coded)
Resultant (Miscellaneous)
Coded Series
Syllogism (General + Coded)
Data-Sufficiency (Two or Three statements)
Input-Output (Word or Number Based)
Circular/ Triangular/ Rectangular/ Square Seating Arrangement
Linear Seating Arrangement (Single, Double, or Uncertain) + With Direction & Distance
Box Based Puzzles (Certain + Uncertain)
Floor or Floor-Flat Based Puzzles
Comparison/ Categorized/ Order Ranking-Based Puzzle
Blood-Relation-based Puzzles
Day/ Month/ Year/Age-Based Puzzle
Logical Reasoning: Statement and Assumptions, Statement and Inference, Cause and Effect, Course of Action, Strength of Argument, and Statement and Conclusion
Quantitative Aptitude Approximation
Number Series
Data Interpretation
General Awareness Current Affairs
State Current Affairs
International Current Affairs
Banking Awareness
Sports News
Financial Awareness
Govt. Schemes/ Apps
Ranks and Reports
Defence News
Science News
Static Awareness
English Language
Reading Comprehension: Conventional and Comprehensive
Phrase Rearrangement
Word Swap: 3 Words Swap, 4 Words Swap
Word Rearrangement
Match the Column: 2 Columns, 3 Columns
Fillers: Double Sentence Blanks, Single Blanks, Double Blanks
Word Usage
Sentence-based Error: Find the Correct One, Find the Incorrect One
Phrase Replacement
Spelling Error
Error Correction
Idioms and Phrases: Idioms and Phrases Usage, Idioms and Phrases Fillers
Cloze Test: Fillers, Replacement
Sentence Rearrangement: One Fixed, Conventional
One-word Inference

अपठित गद्यांश
समानार्थक और विलोम शब्द
रिक्त स्थान
गद्यांश में रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति
वाक्य में त्रुटि
शब्द त्रुटी या वर्तनी त्रुटी
वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द
विलोम शब्द
मुहावरे – लोकोक्तियाँ

Fundamentals of Computer [History, Types, etc.]
Generation of Computer
Hardware & Software [Operating System, Types of Software, Compiler, Interpreter, etc.]
Input & Output Device
Number System [Binary Number, Conversion, etc.]
Computer Language – Generation & its Type
DBMS – Basic Introduction & Software
Computer Network [TCP & OSI Model, Protocol, Topology, Methods of Communication, Networking Device and Components]
Introduction of Internet
Internet’s Keywords
Use of Internet [Internet Protocol, E-mail, Chatting, E-Commerce, Internet Browser & its shortcut key, etc.]
Network & Data Security [Firewall, Virus, Warm, Malware, Trojan Horse, Key logger, Spyware, Hacking, Phishing, Sniffing, Internet Security, Antivirus, User: Identification, Authentication, Biometric, etc.]
Cyber Crime & Cyber Security
Multimedia- its components & Uses [Audio, Video, Streaming, Animation, Adobe Flash, etc.]
Introduction of MS Window
MS Office & its application [MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel – Uses & Shortcut keys]
Computer Shortcut keys
Computer Abbreviations

How To Prepare For IBPS RRB 2024?

Every aspiring candidate must stick to and follow their preparation strategy for IBPS RRB 2024. Here, we have provided in general IBPS RRB Preparation Tips 2024.

  • Understand the IBPS RRB 2024 Exam Pattern and Syllabus: Aspiring candidates should be familiar with the IBPS RRB Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern. The preliminary examination comprises Reasoning and Numerical Ability sections, while the main exam covers various subjects like Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, English/Hindi language, and Computer Knowledge.
  • Make Your Own Study Plan: Each of the aspiring candidates should have their own study plan imparting time for each section. The goal set should be realistic and achievable, according to which the preparation time should be divided. Aspirants need to dedicate extra time to the subject/topic they find challenging, maintaining balance with the sections they are strong at.
  • Focus on Conceptual Clarity: One’s first priority should be on the fundamental concepts, clearly understanding them shall help in solving basic to advanced questions.
  • Practice with Previous Years’ Papers: Regularly solve the previous years’ IBPS RRB question papers and mock tests to identify your strengths and weaknesses and also help in developing time management skills.
  • Revise Regularly: There should be a proper time set for revision. Revision is important so that the concepts and facts of previously covered topics are not forgotten. During preparation make handy and concise notes which will be beneficial at the time of revision.
  • Stay Motivated: Preparing for a highly competitive examination can be challenging and exhausting. Staying motivated by setting achievable goals, rewarding yourself and maintaining health physical as well as mental.

IBPS RRB 2024 Preparation Tips

Preparing for the IBPS RRB 2024 exam requires a strategic approach and systematic preparation to clear the exam and secure a post at Regional Rural Bank. Here are some effective preparation tips to help in excelling the exam

  • Start Early: Start preparing for the IBPS RRB exams well in advance to avoid last-minute stress and ensure sufficient time for revision and practice. And take up enough full-length mock tests.
  • Quality Study Material: Invest your time and money in quality study material, which is designed especially for the IBPS RRB Exams.
  • Practice Regularly: The key to success in any competitive examination is practice. Questions of each subject should be practised regularly. Regular Practice enhances the preparation of the candidate, improves their problem-solving abilities, and assists them in identifying their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Focus on Accuracy and Speed: The ultimate target of candidates should be to maintain accuracy along with speed. Initially, the focus should be on accuracy so that they avoid making silly mistakes. Later work on increasing your speed without compromising accuracy.
  • Time Management: Time Management has a crucial role in banking examinations. One should have an idea of how to manage time effectively during the examination. Aspirants should develop the habit of practising questions within the given time frame so that their speed and accuracy improve.
  • Mock Tests and Analysis: Preparation is incomplete without attempting sectional as well as full-length mock tests. Mock Tests help in assessing preparation levels and the areas that need improvement. After taking the IBPS RRB Mock Tests, candidates should analyze their performance and understand their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Time for Relaxation: To qualify for the examination it is important to work hard and be consistent in preparation. On the other hand, one should also take a break and relax themselves. Remain stress-free during preparation, maintain a healthy lifestyle and have a sufficient amount of sleep.

IBPS RRB 2024 Study Plan

Candidates preparing for the IBPS RRB Exam need to have a study plan so that they can prepare effectively. Here, we have mentioned some of the important points that must be included in the Bank Exam Preparation Study Plan.

  • Prepare a realistic study routine that must be followed regularly.
  • From the beginning, one must keep their preparation subject-wise and allocate time to each of the sections asked in the Prelims as well as Mains.
  • Aspirants should practice questions from the previous year’s papers to get an idea of the level and pattern of questions being asked in the examination.
  • Regularly practice mock tests to upgrade my time management skills, and to identify my strengths and weaknesses. Along with full-length mocks candidates should also target sectional tests to have a strong command over each of the sections asked.
  • In the Bank Exam Preparation Study Plan, a part of the day should be given to revision so that the earlier learnt topics are not forgotten.

Last-Minute Preparation Tips for IBPS RRB Exam 2024

Here are some last-minute preparation tips for the IBPS RRB Exam 2024:

  • Focus primarily on revising the concepts and topics you have already covered. Review your notes, important formulas, and practice questions to reinforce your learning.
  • Attempt full-length mock tests and analyze your performance to identify areas that require extra attention. Learn from your mistakes and develop strategies to avoid repeating them in the actual exam.
  • In the final stages, prioritize the topics that carry higher weight in the exam. Focus your efforts on mastering these sections to maximize your score.
  • Approach the exam with confidence and a positive mindset. Believe in your preparation and abilities, and visualize success. A calm and focused mindset can greatly impact your performance.
  • Double-check the IBPS RRB Exam Date 2024, time, venue, and any necessary documents or materials required for the examination. Ensure you have all the necessary details to avoid any last-minute confusion or stress.
  • In the final days before the exam, prioritize getting enough sleep and rest. A well-rested mind and body will help you perform at your best during the examination.

Some General Tips for the Exam

Carry the essential items, ensure that you carry all the necessary items to the exam venue as per the instructions on the admit card like the admit card, photograph, valid ID proof and any other item specified. Plan Your Commute, Try to reach the exam centre well in advance. Arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled time to avoid last-minute rush and stress.

  • Read Instructions Carefully: Before attempting any question or section, read the provided instructions carefully. Ensure you understand the question type and any specific instructions to avoid any careless mistakes.
  • Time Management: Allocate time for each question based on its difficulty level and time length. Avoid spending too much time on a single question, as it can derail your entire time management plan.
  • Stay Calm and Focused: The IBPS RRB exam can be challenging and mentally taxing. However, it’s essential to maintain composure and focus throughout the examination. Panicking or getting distracted can negatively impact your performance.
  • Avoid Overconfidence: While confidence is crucial, overconfidence can lead to careless mistakes. Approach each question with patience and diligence, double-checking your work before moving on.
  • Intelligent Guessing: If you are unsure about an answer, try to eliminate the obvious wrong options and make an intelligent guess. In some sections, negative marking may apply, so weigh the risks before guessing blindly.

IBPS RRB PO Interview Tips

Here are some tips to help you excel in your IBPS RRB PO interview:

  • Formal Attire: Ensure that your clothing is clean, neatly pressed, and appropriate for a professional setting. Avoid loud colours, flashy accessories, or overly casual clothing to convey a polished and professional image.
  • Review Your Resume: Be prepared to discuss your educational background, work experience, achievements, and any other relevant information mentioned in your resume. Ensure that you can articulate your career trajectory and accomplishments with confidence.
  • Practice Common Interview Questions: Prepare responses to common interview questions such as “Tell me about yourself,” “Why do you want to work for this organization,” and “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” Practice articulating your answers clearly and concisely.
  • Highlight Relevant Skills and Experiences: Emphasize your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with the requirements of the RRB PO position. Provide specific examples from your past experiences to demonstrate your competencies and capabilities.
  • Stay Updated with Current Affairs: Stay abreast of current affairs, especially those related to the banking and financial sector. Be prepared to discuss recent developments, economic trends, and regulatory changes during the interview.
  • Stay Calm and Confident: Remain calm, composed, and confident throughout the interview. Take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding to questions, and speak clearly and confidently.

Strategy Of Toppers To Crack IBPS RRB 2024

Motivation has an important role in the preparation journey of aspiring candidates. One should have short-term and long-term goals rewarding themselves for achieving the milestones and should remain positive even during the challenging phase of life. One of the ways to remain motivated is by going through the Strategy of Toppers and knowing how they were successful in qualifying for the IBPS RRB Exam even after facing the hardships of life.


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Where can I get IBPS RRB Preparation Tips 2024?

IBPS RRB Preparation Tips 2024 has been discussed in the given post.

Are Mock Tests helpful in IBPS RRB Preparation?

Yes, Mock Tests are helpful in IBPS RRB Preparation. Candidates need to analyze their performance after attempting the mock tests.

What is the role of revision in IBPS RRB Preparation 2024?

The role of revision is very important in IBPS RRB Preparation 2024. Aspirants must revise the previously covered topics at regular intervals.

How to start preparing for IBPS RRB?

To prepare for the IBPS RRB exam, first, understand the exam pattern and syllabus. Create a study plan covering all subjects, focusing on your weak areas. Practice mock tests regularly and revise often to improve your knowledge and confidence. Stay updated on current affairs too.

How to crack RRB in first attempt?

To crack the RRB exam in your first attempt, manage stress by taking regular breaks during study sessions. Use recommended books for focused learning and practice solved questions. Create a study plan, take mock tests, and stay positive throughout your preparation.