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IBPS RRB PET Admit Card 2020: Direct link to check Clerk, PO Pre training call letter

IBPS RRB PET Admit Card 2020- The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection will release the IBPS RRB Pre-Training Admit Cards very soon. IBPS has mentioned in its official notification for the recruitment in Regional Rural Banks that the Download of call letters for Pre- Exam Training will begin on 12 August 2020 and the Pre Exam Training will be conducted from 24.08.2020 to 29.08.2020 All the candidates waiting for the IBPS RRB PET Admit Card 2020 will be able to download it from the link given below.

IBPS RRB PET Admit Card 2020: Direct link to check Clerk, PO Pre training call letter_3.1

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection or IBPS has also mentioned in its official notification for IBPS RRB recruitment that the Pre-exam training will be conducted in case it is safe to hold the PET during the current scenario of COVID-19 pandemic. We will share the update on here as soon as any information is published on the official website of IBPS.

IBPS RRB PET Admit Card 2020

The admit cards for the Pre- Exam Training for IBPS RRB 2020 Recruitment will be released on the official website of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection @ibps.in Candidates who are waiting for the Pre Exam Training will be able to download their call letter from the direct link below.

IBPS RRB PET Call Letter 2020- Download Admit Card [link will be active once released on the official website]

IBPS RRB Vacancy 2020: 10000+ Vacancies for RRB PO and Clerk Post IBPS RRB Clerk Syllabus 2020: Complete IBPS RRB Syllabus, Exam Pattern for Prelims + Mains Exam IBPS RRB Cut-off 2019: Check IBPS RRB PO, Clerk Cut-off IBPS RRB Exam Date 2020 Out Check RRB Exam Schedule, Exam to begin from 12 September

IBPS RRB Pre Exam Training Important Dates

Event Date
Download of call letters for Pre- Exam Training 12.08.2020
Conduct of Pre-Exam Training 24.08.2020 to 29.08.2020

Get IBPS RRB PO and Clerk Prime 2020 Online Test Series- Click Here

What is IBPS RRB Pre-Exam Training?

This is a training conducted by IBPS to familiarize the candidates who shall be appearing in the exam with the computer systems, how a candidate has to operate the system during the test, what are the basic do’s and don’ts. Candidates belonging to SC, ST and minority communities are eligible for the pre-exam training.

IBPS RRB Exam Dates 2020

Officer Scale I and Office Assistants :
20.09.2020 and
Single Examination Officers Scale II & III :
Main Examination Officer Scale I :
Office Assistants :

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IBPS RRB Admit Card 2020- Check Here

IBPS RRB PET Admit Card 2020: Direct link to check Clerk, PO Pre training call letter_4.1

IBPS RRB PET Call Letter 2020 – FAQs

Q. Will IBPS conduct the pre-exam training for IBPS RRB 2020?
Ans. IBPS has mentioned in the notification that the pre-exam training will be conducted only if it is safe under the current circumstances.

Q. Has IBPS released the IBPS RRB Pre-Exam Training Admit Cards?
Ans. Not yet, but as per the notification the PET call letters were to be released on 12-08-2020.

Q. Do all candidates have to attend the pre-exam training?
Ans. No, the pre-exam training is only to make the candidate familiar with the system on which the exam shall take place and this process is conducted only for candidates belonging to SC, ST and minorities.

Q. How other candidates who cannot go for pre-exam training get familiar with the IBPS RRB exam process?
Ans. If you are not familiar with the test panel of IBPS for the IBPS RRB exam, then you can attempt a test of Adda247 IBPS RRB Test Series, which will give you the exam-like experience.

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