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IBPS RRB PO Shift 2 Exam Analysis: IBPS RRB Shift 2 Analysis for 12 September 2020

IBPS RRB Exam Analysis and Review Shift 2 (12th September 2020)- The second shift for IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam is over and students who have their exam scheduled in other shifts or tomorrow can now check the detailed exam analysis and good attempts. Our team has collected the exam review from the students who have appeared in the IBPS RRB PO Prelims Shift-2 Exam and according to them the overall level of today’s shift-2 examination was easy to moderate. There were 2 sections in this exam namely- Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude. No changes were there in this year’s exam as well in both the sections. The instructions given before the examination were also available in regional languages as per the state.

Overall Analysis & Good Attempts- IBPS RRB PO Prelims 2020

As the overall difficulty level of the examination was easy to moderate, students who have prepared for the exam well, were able to attempt maximum questions with accuracy. Not much changes were observed in the second shift when we compare it to the previous one. The following table contains the average good attempts shared with us by the students who have appeared for the shift-2 exam on 12th September.

Subject Good Attempts
Reasoning Ability 29 – 34
Quantitative Aptitude 24 – 28
Total 53 – 59

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Changes observed in IBPS RRB PO Prelims Shift-2 from the previous shift:

In quantitative aptitude section there were no separate questions of quadratic equation, there were questions of quantity based inequality which included quadratic equations.

The quantitative aptitude section had 2 DI and a caselet whereas in the 1st shift there were only 2 sets of DI. The level of the caselet seen in the second shift was lengthy and a bit difficult

Reasoning section of the Shift-2 exam also had a set of 5 questions of blood relation and a set of 5 questions of syllogism, whereas there were no questions of blood relation and syllogism in shift-1.

Overall the reasoning section was very easy when compared to quantitative aptitude, but the reasoning section has one color based puzzle with 3 variables which was quite lengthy and of moderate to difficult level.

IBPS RRB Officer Scale-I Prelims Exam’s Section-wise Analysis 2020

The following are the details of the topic asked in each section along with number of questions and the difficulty level.

Reasoning Ability (Easy)

Students who have appeared in the IBPS RRB Officer Scale-I Shift-2 exam on 12th September have reported that the reasoning ability section was quite easy when compared to quantitative aptitude, just one set of puzzle with 3 variables was lengthy and a bit difficult. The following are the details of the puzzle and seating arrangement questions asked in the 2nd shift of the exam-

  1. Rectangular Seating Arrangement with 4 people facing inside and 4 people facing outside the centre.
  2. Floor based puzzle with 9 floor and 9 people
  3. Floor based puzzle with year of birth of people
  4. Linear Seating Arrangement- 11 people seating in a single row facing north
  5. Colour based puzzle with 3 variables.
Topics No. of Questions Level
Puzzle and Seating Arrangement 25
Easy to Moderate
Blood Relation 5 Easy
Syllogism 5 Easy
Alphabet Based 1 Easy
Inequality 3 Easy
Coding Decoding 1 Easy
Total 40 Easy

Quantitative Aptitude (Easy to Moderate)

The level of questions asked in the quantitative aptitude section was easy to moderate and there were not much changes in the types of questions from the 1st shift. In the shift-2 there were a total of 3 sets of DI which included caselet, tabular DI and bar graph. The following table has the topics asked in the shift 2 of the IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam held on 12th September 2020:

Topics No. of Questions Level
Data Interpretation 15
Easy to Moderate
Missing Number Series 5 Easy
Quantity 1 and Quantity 2 based inequality 5
Easy to Moderate
Approximation 5 Easy
Arithmetic Word Problems 10
Easy to Moderate
Total 40
Easy to Moderate

The arithmetic word problems included questions from Ages, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Time and Distance, Boats and Stream, Time and Work etc.

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Team Bankersadda wishes you all the best for the exam in upcoming shifts!!! Do not miss out on practicing with the memory based paper of today’s exam if you are going to appear in IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam on 13th September.

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IBPS RRB PO Prelims Shift-2 Exam Analysis- FAQs

Q. Were there any changes in the shift 2 of IBPS RRB PO Prelims Exam compared from the shift-1?
Ans. Not much changes were there. The difficulty level remains the same i.e. easy to moderate.

Q. How many types of Data Interpretation questions were there in the second shift of the exam?
Ans. There were 3 sets of DI in shift-2 : Caselet, Tabular and Bar Graph, whereas in the shift-1 there were only 2 sets of DI

Q. What are the good attempts for IBPS RRB PO Prelims Shift 2 held on 12 September 2020?
Ans. 53 to 59 are the average good attempts reported by the students who have appeared for the exam.

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