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IBPS RRB Mains Computer Quiz: 18th September

Computer Knowledge section can help you to improve your overall score if in case other sections are tougher than the expectation. We are providing you with a question set based on the types and patterns of questions asked in the Computer Knowledge section in previous years. We already rolled the study plan for IBPS RRB MAINS 2019Computer Quiz of 18th September 2019 covers Topic Miscellaneous.

Q1.A pathway inside a computer that carries data between hardware components is called _____________.
(a) carrier signal
(b) data bus
(c) digital signal
(d) analog signal
(e) switching

Sol. A data bus connects internal components to the motherboard and acts as a carrier for the data.

Q2.What does DOS stands for?
(a) Digital Operating Session
(b) Disk Operating System
(c) Digital Operating System
(d) Disk Opening System
(e) Digital Open System

Sol. DOS stands for Disk Operating System. It is the first operating system developed by Microsoft.

Q3.Which among the following is the short cut key for slideshow?
(a) F4
(b) F5
(c) F6
(d) F7
(e) None of these

S3.Ans. (b)
Sol. F5 is the shortcut key for slideshow.

Q4.Computers designed for specialised scientific work and specific instructions are called _________.
(a) Mainframe computers
(b) Special purpose computers
(c) Portable computers
(d) Super computers
(e) Mini computers

Sol. Super computers are designed for special purposes with specific inputs. For example, Super Computers are used for scientific, defence, or architectural purposes with specific instructions or input.

Q5.A program that is used to view websites is called a _________.
(a) Word processor
(b) Spreadsheet
(c) Browser
(d) Web viewer
(e) Viewer

S5.Ans. (c)
Sol. Browser is used to view websites.

Q6.Which of the following is used to enter the current time in ms-excel?
(a) Ctrl+Shift+;
(b) Ctrl+;
(c) Shift+;
(d) Alt+Shift
(e) Alt+Enter


Q7.Each box in a spreadsheet is called a ________.
(a) Cell
(b) Block
(c) Field
(d) Table
(e) Empty space

S7.Ans. (a)
Sol. Each box in a spreadsheet is called a cell.

Q8.A key that will erase information from the computer’s memory and characters on the screen:
(a) Edit
(b) Delete key
(c) Dummy out
(d) Trust key
(e) None of these

Sol. Delete key is used to delete data.

Q9.The software that is used to create text based documents is referred as :
(a) DBMS
(b) Suits
(c) Spreadsheets
(d) Presentation software
(e) Word processor

S9.Ans. (e)
Sol. Word processors are used to create text based documents.

Q10. What should be used if a company wants to include its company name and logo at the bottom of every page of a brochure?
(a) Header
(b) Macro
(c) Footer
(d) Footnote
(e) None of the above

S10. Ans.(c)
Sol. Headers and footers are pieces of text, or graphics, that appear at the top and bottom of a page. If a company wants to include its company name and logo at the bottom of every page of a brochure then it will use the Footer.

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