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Takeaways from the IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2019 Exam

Takeaways from the IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2019 Exam |_2.1

The first day of IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2019 has been over. The examination was held in two shifts today i.e. 17th August 2019. The examination held in both the shifts was of Easy level.  As per the schedule of the IBPS RRB Clerk 2019 Exam, this examination will be conducted tomorrow (18th August 2019) as well. All the candidates who have their examination scheduled for tomorrow would be wondering if what could be asked in the shifts of IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims Exam that are yet to come. So here are the key takeaways from today’s IBPS RRB Clerk  Prelims 2019 to help you get a peek into today’s examination pattern and an idea of what could be asked in the upcoming shifts of this exam.

The Examination pattern of both the shifts held today consisted of traditional topics i.e. no new pattern has been introduced in IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2019 so far. Most of the aspirants found the overall examination level Easy.

The Numerical Ability Section was almost identical in both the shifts of IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2019 held today.  The Data Interpretation sets asked in both the shifts were based on Bar Graph & Tabular DI. Other topics which dominated were Quadratic Equation, Wrong Number Series & Simplification. Around 10 questions were asked from Arithmetic Word Problems in both the shifts.

PRO TIP: Maintain your accuracy and concentration.

Moving forward to Reasoning Ability Section, it can be observed from today’s shifts of the IBPS RRB Clerk Pre Exam the examination level was Easy. There were 4 sets of Puzzle & Seating Arrangement questions in both the shifts. Two types of puzzles i.e. Circular Seating Arrangement & Uncertain number of People were asked in both the shifts. Most of the questions in the Reasoning Ability section revolved around miscellaneous topics like inequality, Syllogism, Alphanumeric series, etc. Most of the candidates were able to attempt 35+ questions in this section with accuracy.

PRO TIP: Choose wisely which puzzle or seating arrangement you’ll attempt. Identify the miscellaneous part questions and try to score them.


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