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IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 2 13 August, Complete Review

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 2 13 August

The 13 August saw IBPS RRB Clerk Exam being conducted in multiple shifts. The second shift for 13 August is now over, and the candidates are eager to know about the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 of Shift 2, 13 August. Our expert team interacted with the students and as per their response, the difficulty level of the paper was Easy to Moderate.  We have covered various aspects related to the examination like ideal number of attempts, and a detailed sectional analysis of this shift. Here in this space candidates can get the detailed IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 for  Shift 2  held on 13 August.

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023: Difficulty Level

The IBPS RRB Clerk Shift 2 on August 13, 2023, was generally seen as Easy To Moderate.  The team of Bankersadda interacted with the candidates who had their preliminary exam in Shift 2 and according to the feedback received the sectional difficulty level of the exam is mentioned below.

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2, 13 August: Difficulty Level
Section Difficulty Level
Reasoning Ability Easy
Quantitative Aptitude Easy To Moderate
Overall Easy To Moderate

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023: Good Attempts

After taking the exam, candidates are often eager to know the good number of attempts for the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam. Based on the data available to us and feedback of candidates we have arrived at a probable good attempt for this examination. Here is the list of good attempts in sections of IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 2 13 August.

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2, 13 August: Good Attempts
Section No. Of Questions Good Attempts
Reasoning Ability 40 33-37
Quantitative Aptitude 40 29-33
Overall 80 69-72

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 2 13 August: Section-Wise Analysis

The IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Exam 2023 is divided into two main sections: Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude. Each of the two sections consists of 40 questions, with a maximum score of 40 marks for each section. Here, we present a detailed overview of the sections for Shift 2 held on August 13, 2023.

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability

As mentioned above there were over 40 questions from reasoning in the examination. Overall these questions were found to be of easy level. The questions were from diverse topics in the reasoning section. Here is the topic-wise analysis.

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability
Name Of The Topic No. Of Questions
Box Type Something(Purchase) 5
Height Comparison Based Puzzle 4
Circular Seating Arrangement(7 Persons) 5
Floor Based Puzzle 5
Inequality 4
Syllogism 3
Blood Relation 3
Mixed Series 4
3 Letter Based Series 3
Pair Formation 1
Meaningful Word 1
Simple Letter Coding 1
Digit Based(Odd/Even) 1
Total 40

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude

The level of questions asked in the Quantitative Aptitude section was Easy To Moderate. As expected, questions were covered from the maximum portion of IBPS RRB Clerk Syllabus 2023.  Here candidates can check the detailed topic-wise quant analysis as a part of IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 2 13 August.

IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude
Name Of The Topic No. Of Questions
Simplification 15
 Missing Number Series 5
Arithmetic(Partnership, Ages, SI & CI, Mensuration, etc.) 10
 Line Graph DI 5
Tabular DI 5
Total 40

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 2 13 August: Video Link

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Pattern 2023 For Prelims

The IBPS RRB Clerk 2023 preliminary examination has two sections: Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude. Aspirants need to solve a maximum of 80 questions, carrying a total of 80 marks. Here is the detailed exam pattern.

IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 2023
Name of the test No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Reasoning Ability 40 40 Composite time of 45 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 40 40
Total 80 80


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IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 2 13 August, Complete Review_4.1

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Where can I get IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 2 13 August?

The article above has the complete review of IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 2 13 August.

What are the parameters for IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 2 13 August?

The IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 2 13 August is done based on difficulty level, good attempts, and section-wise analysis.

What is the difficulty level of IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2023, Shift 2 13 August?

The difficulty level of IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2023, Shift 2 13 August was Easy to Moderate.

What are the good attempts as per the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2, 13 August?

The good attempts as per the IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2, 13 August are 69-72.

What is the exam pattern for IBPS RRB Clerk 2023?

The exam pattern for IBPS RRB Clerk 2023 has two sections - Reasoning and Quant.